Wednesday 15 February 2017

WOW: Back on my Feet

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
The weather down my way has been scorching hot and then suddenly cool and I've been inside most of the time getting over a cold. The weather has knocked me about as much as my cold has, but I'm finally getting better today and back on my feet.

Whenever I'm sick, I eat a lot cabbage - it never fails to pick me up. Do you have a 'go to' favourite food when you're feeling under the weather?

Today is the third Wednesday I've been eagerly expecting a fabric package arrival. All my other orders have been delivered, now I just wait for my Secret Garden fabric. I am so eager to make a start and show off my first block here on my blog that I am getting impatient - I make do with seeing everyone else's blocks over in the Group and they are gorgeous and all so different too, it really makes me even more impatient as I'm so keen to get stuck in myself.

Today is also time for Part 2 of Diamond Hill, you can download it via my Facebook BOM Group or directly here, right now by clicking the image below.

What's Your WOW? 


  1. Sorry to hear you've been down with a cold. Hope you'll be all better soon. I go to Chicken Noodle Soup when I'm down with some illness.

  2. Sinus and lung issues have been a problem in our area too as one day it's 30 degrees and the next day it's 70. They say that doesn't have anything to do with it, but I don't believe them!

  3. Your cabbage photo is gorgeous! I think the weather makes it hard to stay healthy sometimes, especially when it comes to colds, sore throats, sinus problems, etc. I hope you're on the mend and will be in good health soon. Thanks for hosting this link-up.

  4. Dear Esther
    Hope you are feeling much better. Cabbage is a natural antibiotic. We drink a ginger drink, which works quickly. It comes in green sachet's. The other thing, chicken noodle soup and fresh bread with butter. The family is not fond of soup, but they will have it and they are on the mend in no time! Thank you for Diamond Hill, it is a fun pattern.


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