Wednesday 22 February 2017

WOW: My Secret Garden Basket

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
I was over the moon when my fabrics arrived on Monday and all Tuesday I was thinking about combinations for the basket / vase from my softly romantic pallette. I had a good look at the variations happening over in the Group and was wondering between blue stems or green stems from the range? I haven't decided yet (what's new??) but I do love seeing what fabrics have been selected for everyone elses Secret Garden and can't wait to finally get this block finished today. February is a short month and I'm looking forward to getting the second block done on time.

Being able to browse the block I'm thinking about over in my BOM Group is really a dream, it helps me focus and distracts me whilst being inspired all at the same time. See why I'm always behind? There's just sop much beauty to take in, it can't be rushed!

What's Your WOW?


  1. Am in love with your basket. So perfect.

  2. So pleased that you aren't waiting for fabric again this week - your work looks lovely, as always!

  3. I can't wait to start mine - but nervous too.

  4. Your basket is off to a beautiful Start! Looking forward to seeing more.


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