Tuesday 18 August 2015

Oma's Blues: Bird & Bouquet

With the vase done, it's time to think about my flower arrangement.
As always, I've prepped the many hundreds of pieces in different envelopes for use later. This really works for me as I find that when I'm in the mood to trace and cut fusible, it's better for me to do a lot of it in one sitting, pack it away by stage of quilt and then return to it later when needed. 
The bird fabric was an instant choice
 and I love the fussy cut eye detail
With the rest of the flowers, its a case of trial and error. Some fabrics that I loved in blues just didn't work when grouped together
Here I'm playing with several different flower heads. When I cut my fusible, I usually cut multiples when it comes to flowers as I know I will always umm and ahhh over these. I have a whole box of LE and LE2 flowers that are beautiful but didn't fit the quilt for whatever reason and I pop these left over pieces in a box. One day, I will simply iron them all down and create a wall hanging of wild flowers from my many quilt applique leftovers. So you see, I don't mind making extra. It's all part of the fun.
 and I'm still working on the finishing details...
The next time you see this centre, it will be completed and the charm plates will be stitched into position all the way around.

Oma's Blues is my current FREE BOM. 
You can still join this free BOM right now - all parts are available over in my Group.

1 comment:

  1. Your work is always so intricate and inspiring!
    its just soooooo beautiful!


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