Wednesday 6 May 2015

WOW: Another Cup!

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays

Do you remember how I was making a cup sampler last week for my beginners sewing circle? Well, my first DD caught sight of it and certainly felt that she had to have one. Right away. In pink. So I made her this one, a bit higher than my original sample and again without the puff - as requested. Last night my younger DD set eyes on it and now SHE wants one too. 

 I must be missing something here as I don't understand the allure of the fabric cup...
If you'd like to make your own - with or without the highly debatable puff- you can find a link to the original free pattern here. There's also a tutorial over on the site which is easy to follow.

What's Your WOW?


  1. It's the creative goodness of fabric. I can see this on their dresser holding earrings and such. Beautiful cup.

  2. Love that pink cup! I don't think that I'd want one (I have too many things to attract bits and bobs and dust to already!) but I quite like the idea of them!

  3. Very pretty cups, especially the pink one.

  4. lol are you joiking? I want one!!!! I want one, any color, pretty please? With sugar on top? Oh, I can make my own... okay... but it won't be made by you.... LeeAnna at not afraid of color

  5. Aaaaah!!! These are right up my tea-loving alley! Thanks for sharing the pattern!!!! :)

  6. Your cups are really adorable Esther! Thank you for the party!


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