Monday 7 January 2013

Time for January

 I feel like I've only been off my computer for a few days,
 time really flies when I'm offline...

 What a beautiful suprise; I came home to find pink Hybiscus flowering

 which reminds me I need to spend some time in the garden 

 for some dead heading!
 I've been somewhat pre-occupied with 
Christmas Eve, Christmas,

 Boxing Day,
 a DD Birthday,
a quick get-away
and several times I tried to post my Christmas recipes and goings on, but couldn't upload images to blogger and could not work out why or what was going on. Well, now I have just found out that it's a major blogger problem that google are working out and I could have posted all along if I'd known to open my browser in Firefox, which is what I'm doing now as I am still having this difficulty with Google.

And it occurs to me, that technology is moving so fast, that whever I think I can just about manage it, it decides to upgrade and I'm left having to learn something new again and I find I'm wasting so much time on what should be really simple stuff.

I'd rather be quilting!

 It's time to get stuck into some WIPs (this is the plan) and try to hold off starting anything new (although I have some great ideas I feel should really get underway too) so I'll have to decide how to spend my quilting time, just as soon as I've caught up on my emails, below...

I need a full time secretary!


  1. I hope you had a great holiday season! beautiful flowers! Have a wonderful healthy New Year.

  2. You have a full time secretary but you have to bite the bullet and use her..... the delete button..

  3. It gives me great relief to know that someone else is having problems as well as me with uploading photos - you were going to be my next port of call for advice. lovely to read about your escapades and look forward to the recipes

  4. Nice to see you back on line. Good that you took some time away and enjoyed your holiday. Happy New Year.
    Hugs Bunny

  5. Esther, the Hibiscus is beautiful!! and I love that picture of you! You look very relaxed and like you are enjoying your Holiday!

    Happy New Year!


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