Monday 31 May 2010

June Lyons Award 2010

The Waverley Patchworkers Inc Quilt Show is over for another year. On friday evening at the Gala Opening, I was surprised and delighted to be honored with the June Lyons Award for 2010, for my quilt Dream Fountain.

It was a great opening and I really enjoyed looking at all the great work that was there.

I must say, my heart beat a little faster when I heard that a Red Delicious quilt had won the Viewers Choice. They were just announcing it when I arrived to collect my quilt at the end of the show.

I am so happy about this and will post a pic of the Red Delicious quilt, which by the way is not red at all - but black and white!

Yes, even though it is not red, I still love it. It actually looks magical and I think it is just gorgeous. Thank you and congratulations to Jeanette for exhibiting your Red Delicious, can't wait to share it here.

from all the excitement of the show, I have actually forgotten all the other winners...I know, my memory is like a sieve. But I will say that the winning Field of Flowers challenge entry was deservingly beautiful.

Note to self: next time, remember to take your camera with you (I left it on the bench) and can you believe that I dont know how to use my mobile phone camera?? There you have it - I don't!

Interestingly, I went to the opening with a friend who had not seen my blog or my own challenge entry and I asked her politely if she could find me amongst all the others - and after a well considered inspection, she picked mine...because of the type of fabric I had used on the binding. Maybe it's time for me to stop stash busting and start working with brand spanking new fabrics.

But really, I envy her eye for detail and I do think that all we quilters have a certain 'look' no matter what style we do.


  1. The 3D effect is stunning. I wouldn't mind a background in a strong color; rather than raising the other details (as you may have intended), they subdue the whole look. I also love the vines with the heart-shaped leaves and the blossoms, of course! Please keep variing these details.

  2. Congrats me its very much deserved :)

  3. Isn't is a fabulous feeling when you hear that announcement? Not only a winning ribbon for a quilt of your own but to have the best of show winner be from your design, has to be especially thrilling!

  4. Congratulations Esther, your quilt is exquisite.

  5. Beautiful! Congratulations!! I love the eye-catching red flowers.

  6. Beautiful! Congratulations!1 I love the eye-catching red flowers.

  7. Congratulations. Very well deserved.

  8. What a stunning quilt--no wonder you won a prize!

  9. Congrats Esther! A well deserved win.

  10. Congratulations Esther. I loved your quilt at the show. Cheers Jenni

  11. Congratulations Esther, well deserved...

  12. Esther, Congratulations to you! I am thrilled for you. Love the 3-d look.



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