Thursday 22 October 2009

The Quilt Festival is finished

The Fall Quilt Festival is now finished and I'm pretty sure that a lot of you probably spent as much time as I did browsing through all the great sites and admiring all the inspiring quilts out there. A great idea and so rewarding to be part of it all.

Thank you to everyone who left a comment under Sunshine and Shadow, I hope it did something to invoke interest in stenciling for those who had to chance to scroll through.

Since my last post, I attended a wedding and made TD as a gift. I think it turned out beautifully. My DD prefers the new colour scheme to the original, she's not keen on the lime green. Frankly, I love them both!


  1. I love them both, too, Esther. But, my favorite feature in them is still the fantastic quilting!

  2. They are both so beautiful! Your technique is one that I really would like to try :)

  3. They are amazing, love the quilting on them. The feathers are perfect, love the way they go inside and out of the stems.

  4. Like you I like them both, but as lime green is my very favorite color I really like that one. As always your work is just stunning.

  5. Esther, the new runner looks beautiful! I would never have thought about using gold on the outside edge, but it really works great. I'm sure they're going to love it.

  6. Oh,God....they are AMAZING!So perfect work!Thank you for posting them!
    You are a goddess of the quilt:)

  7. You do beautiful work....I am only sorry that I have not found your site sooner..


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