Tuesday 23 April 2019

Queen's Garden by Lennea Wolfe

Queen's Garden by Lennea Wolfe 
of Olympia, Washington State, USA

'Oh wow' is what I said when I set eyes on these pics..
Lennea has done it again. You might remember her Juliette beauty in stunning black and white with lime accents (click here now to see it for yourself) and now we're lucky enough to see Lennea's Queen's Garden sitting beautifully on her bed. The florals are superb and are the focal point to this beauty. But there's more..
It's not easy to photograph quilts this big, but these pictures show just how wonderful the results are. Lennea has cleverly added her own border to make this quilt work on her bed and it's a knockout.The added blocks really enhance the centre and make the quilt so workable for this space. I love how the the floral block gathers at the edge of the bed to show off the stunning applique (see first pic) it's stunning.
And this colour scheme, need I say more? I am loving these purple, blue and lilac hues, they seem to shimmer against the cream background and work perfectly with the pops of green.
Lennea, thank you so much for adding your beauty to the Open Gallery. When the images arrived, I was over the moon with how impressive the quilt looked on your bed. The colourscheme, as I've said above, is perfect and I love the changes you made to make the pattern suit your space so perfectly. It's a treat for me to be able to enjoy the creative efforts of others and I'm grateful that you took the time and effort to send these pics through.

'Queen's Garden' 
Read more about this quilt by clicking here now

--------------------------- Open Quilt Gallery--------------------------- 
Thanks to Lennea Wolfe  for sharing her finished quilt with us all to take inspiration from. If you'd like to see more finished quilts made from any of my patterns, visit my Open Gallery. It's a place for all quilters who make any of my quilts to show off their creations in a central online gallery. It's new and I hope you'll join us by adding your own quilt there. Submitting your quilt pics is easily done via an upload screen directly on my website. Click here now if you'd like to submit your own quilt.

Saturday 20 April 2019

A Very Last Minute Easter Project

This morning I woke up inspired to make something just in time for Easter. This is what happens when all your quilts are finished, your WIP queue is empty, your house is spotlessly clean and your Easter Lunch is completely organized. Am I kidding? Of course I'm kidding! Have you ever experienced such a fortunate feeling? Pfft! Me neither!
But it is, however, true that I decided right now was the perfect time to make a new table runner. If you're a reader of my blog, you already know how I wrangled this boardroom 3 metre long table into the house and how everyone pretends it's a dining table. Yes, we do have long, lovely family get togethers around this wonderful space, but it's proper purpose is all mine. It's my favourite place to draw, paint, sew and create.
So, because of it's unusually big size, I have to make all my tablecloths as none are available in this size. This isn't a problem as I have so much fabric. But today I woke up thinking about this beauty.
It's a blue tree of life print on linen. The linen is a lovely upholstery weight and perfect for a table runner.
I joined two pieces together to get the length, matching up the design as best as possible. Next, I tacky glued the edges, turning them and creating neat mitre corners in preparation for some ribbon.
I'm using Grosgrain ribbon in a matching blue
which I will sew down into position on the top side, I like the distinction of framing it in this way.
And so now I'm going to gather up my fabric and sew down the centre join and the ribbon all around, then I'll iron it flat and see how it looks when the table is set. I'm after an elegant and simple look and I think this fabric really fits the bill.

I'll keep you posted on my progress..

Wednesday 17 April 2019

WOW: Tulips for Easter

  WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays  
Remember these beauties? They're my table runners, Tulip Delight. The pink one on top was a gift I gave away and the one I kept was the green and purple. With a pansy wreath on the door, I've decided to go all tulips for my inside decor this Easter. 

I love this time of year and it's opportunity to pause, reflect and reset. Spring is the natural New Year of the seasons and it's always felt like the 'true' New Year as far as I'm concerned: my designs, family ebb and flow all seem to start something new at this time of year. I have lots of projects and ideas I'm considering and can't wait to get stuck into new and exciting things this 'New Year'. 

Today, I'm digging out this table runner; I actually can't remember where I stashed it. So I'm hoping that it will appear with the Easter Dinner Plates and decorations. I also have all the usual errands - and I'm having several quilts washed over at my local dry cleaner. 

After years of searching, I've found a good little shop that actually washes my large quilts beautifully in a huge machine. I started with a few early quilts I wasn't worried about and even tested the service with some batik heavy quilts. I warned the cleaner about color bleeding, but it turned out fine. In fact, better than fine. Washing quilts can be such a chore; especially some of the large ones I've made. And I've resisted the chemical washes of cleaners in the past, worried about degradation, but this new system is completely wool safe and doesn't effect the dyes or stitching of my quilts. I'm excited to get my stash re-freshed. I do use most of my quilts - including the stencil ones, and I like to wash them yearly.

So that's my WIP today, getting my house in order.

  What's Your WOW?  

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Tuesday 16 April 2019

OMWFB by Judy Collier Longmont

'On My Window Flowers Bloom' 
by Judy Collier Longmont

I don't know what I love more; each individual window scene, or the scene as a whole? I am just in love with every inch of this stunner! The colours, oh my the colours: all you can do is helplessly drink it all in and then take another look at all the splendid details.

How perfect is this wall quilt?! Silly question I know, it's superb. Thank you Judy, you have made my morning and I'm delighted to be able to enjoy your finished quilt in this week leading up to Easter, it's put a real spring in my step! 

If you'd like to read more about On My Window, Flowers Bloom, you can check out the OMWFB post archive right here on this blog by clicking the image below. 
'On My Window, Flowers Bloom' 
Read more about this quilt by clicking here now

--------------------- Open Quilt Gallery---------------------
Thanks to Judy for sharing her finished quilt pics with us all to take inspiration from. If you'd like to see more finished quilts made from any of my patterns, visit my Open Gallery. It's a place for all quilters who make any of my quilts to show off their creations in a central online gallery. Submitting your quilt pics is easily done via an upload screen directly on my website. Clear here now if you'd like to submit your own quilt.

Monday 15 April 2019

Hold Onto Your Heart:The Pansy Scallop Frames

This is my pattern which I use to guide me through the steps for completing Part 3
Here are my almost completed pansies in position on the background.
I pin the accurately cut pattern sheet in position on the background fabric which as the seam allowance all around marked a guideline. 
I make sure the centre of my pattern sheet is the centre of the background fabric: they need to nicely line up. 
When adding the scallop frame, I start by positioning the middle scallop down first
Like so
This is what my scallop frame looks like from the back. You can see I've turned the corners and I used glue to get those edge down.
I also use glue during these steps to get the scallop frame down.
And once the centre is down neatly, then put down the sides
As soon as the frame is down, press down firmly, you want the edges to stick
Once the frame is in position, you don't need the pattern sheet in position anymore.
Next, I double check the 'pointed' bits of the frame, I want them properly stuck down.
Then I turn my block over:
with the frame glued down into position, I now have 2 layers of fabric in position, which is unnecessary. So I'm going to cut away the background fabric. 
Do this extra carefully: I cut away one side, then the other, meeting at the centre scallop point.
I have left a seam allowance overlap when cutting so my frame is safely and securely snug in position
How stunning is the scallop pansy corner? I'm totally in love with it.
As you can see, I haven't finished my pansies - they have the extra overlap piece coming for their heads which I think I will stitch on the machine.
and it's time for the thread embroidery too..
But as I say and keep saying, there's no rush. 

Quilts as magnificent as this one, come together in their own time. Don't rush the process. 
 'Hold Onto Your Heart' is a paid BOM 
It's a breathtaking quilt full of meaningful symbols and beauty. The floral border is a triumph which offers an additional  pieced option - making it versatile for all skill levels. Perfect for lovers and enthusiasts of applique. 

You can start this BOM today! 
Be sure to visit my Online Quilt Group on Facebook where progress images are being shown all the time. It's a massive inspiration and I warn you, it's addictive!

Wednesday 10 April 2019

WOW: Metres of Bias..

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
Time for bias. Lots and lots of it. I can't decide which fabric (what's new, huh?) to use on Hold Onto Your Heart in the coming months, so I'm making tape out of the top three contenders. Yes, it means three times the work - but on the bright side, once you get into the swing of things, it usually starts coming together quicker than expected. And for the two tapes that don't make the cut - I'm sure I'll use them in another project. Bias tape in beautiful fabrics is something I can never have too much of.

What's Your WOW?
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Click here to enter

Monday 8 April 2019

Forget Me Not: Like It? Make It!

I've had 'Forget Me Not' on my mind this past week: after all, there are 24 gorgeous but 'forgotten' quilt blocks out there and all of a sudden I can't stand it, I want to see them revived! I want to see them worked on and brought to life. This is the perfect quilt to grow with and learn on - from applique techniques to over painting and embellishing and as my own is buried deep in the WIP pile, it's time to brush off this pattern and make it current again.

So here it is, the entire mystery back from 2012, the complete pattern for just $4.80 for 48 hours. Buy it, make it and show it off for all of us to see, love and be inspired by. 
Forget Me Not
Complete Digital Pattern
Finished Size: 60 x 59 inches 
$39.95 USD


What you need to know:

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You don't need a PayPal account to pay as PayPal also securely processes Credit Card payments

Pattern downloads are INSTANT and followed up with a live link to your email inbox. Check your email for the follow up email (and check your spam / junk folders if you can't see it)

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You REQUIRE an UPDATED PDF Reader in order to open and print the PDF Pattern

When you receive your download, be sure to SAVE it to your computer.
If you print it directly from the browser download screen, it will not be backed up to your computer. 

This is an Early Pattern
It references a now defunct group - my old Yahoo Group. Don't try to sign up to that Group, it's closed. My only Group is my online Facebook Group: click here to join my Group
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