Wednesday 21 October 2015

WOW: Finishing the Patterns

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
Where did last week go? I can hardly believe it's Wednesday again already?! I've been adjusting my 'processes' since my favorite copier broke down on me and it's taken me longer than usual to find a system I can use to release my patterns. Technology feels like such a pain sometimes.

Anyhow, it's been quiet on my blog as I've been busy creating several new patterns and will be releasing a few of them before the end of this year. The rest are lined up for 2016 - it's going to be an exciting year, so if you're thinking about starting a new quilt project, stay tuned. I've ventured through my sketchbooks and have finally added some of my more modern (and easier) designs as well as more piecing to my regular applique obsession. I can admit it - I love applique and too much is never enough.

I've already started tracing the pattern onto fusible as I hope to get the top done - this is the new aim for my designs, getting the tops done even if it looks like there's no feasible time to get the rest done!

What's Your WOW?

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Valerie Harmer's Love Entwined

Valerie Harmer saw Love Entwined on my blog and decided that she needed a challenge. Well, I think she succeeded! But let me tell you how - this stunning quilt you are looking at is hand sewn (applique), hand embroidered and hand quilted. What a feat!

And it just won:  Mixed Techniques: 1st Prize at the Queensland Quilter's Quilt and Craft Show

This incredible heirloom will be going to a grandchild. She's made all her children quilts upon their marriages and is continuing the tradition for her grandchildren in turn (she has 10!).

I'm in awe of her workmanship and just so in love with this beauty. Thank you Valerie for sharing your images with all of us. We all love seeing the work, time and passion that goes into making Love Entwined and I'm grateful to you for being generous to share it with us all to swoon over.

This quilt will be added to the Love Entwined Gallery so it can be enjoyed alongside other LE's as and when they're made. If you've made LE, please consider sharing it with us all via the gallery.

Details on how to do this are listed on my website, click here for the link.

Personally, I'm surprised that so many LE's are starting to appear all over the world - you all work so fast! I must have the most talented quilt readers on the internet.
 The joy of sharing beautiful quilts
thank you for sharing your quilt Valerie :) 

Friday 16 October 2015

Oma's Blues: Part 10 is Launched!

I was so busy 'playing' with fabric yesterday that I simply forgot to post Part 10 of Oma's Blues! Sorry everyone. I do actually have a planner, whether I bother reading it day to day is another matter entirely!

I think one of the reasons it slipped my mind is because I have already completed these blocks. For the first time ever, I'm 'ahead' of my quilt BOM schedule. I did this so that I could have Oma quilted and finished completely before my birthday which is just round the corner. But then, unexpected machine issues with my ever troublesome Bernina 820 meant that I've been without a machine for 2 weeks and I've been all over the place, ready to quilt but unable to quilt. Distracted

To see my blog post on how I created these corner block in Part 10, please click here, or simply read through my post links in the 'Oma's Blues' quilt archive above this post under my header banner. 

This is where I am up to, my top is done, ready for quilting
I'm so in love with this quilt

Oma's Blues is my current FREE BOM

You can still join this free BOM right now - all parts are available over in my Group

Thursday 15 October 2015

Playing with the Jinny Beyer Palette

In between drafting my patchwork star, I watched a Jinny Beyer class on Craftsy where she chatted a bit about her Palette - although I've had mine for months, I haven't really been using it as much as I thought I would. I get stuck in the 'samey' kinds of colours sometimes and I can't decide whether that's a problem or not?
On the one hand, I obviously feel drawn to the same kinds of colours and tones over and over again - which makes sense. But sometimes I think I could have used a little more zing - even when I'm not feeling it during the fabric selection. As I'm testing out my draft pattern anyhow, I decided to raid the stash and find fabrics in accordance with the palette, not my eye. This is new for me. I've followed schemes before, but I always somehow end up going off on my own path anyway...
Even though I'm trying to follow the rules, I strike out purple as an option because I don't want it in my 'autumny' star even though I know this almost defeats the purpose of the exercise.
I selected fabrics from my stash that were 'close' to the palette 
because obviously I don't have exact matches
and although I love all these fabrics on their own, I would never have paired them 
 but I can instantly see that it does work and it does, well, zing
and maybe I should have used some purple after all....? Hmmmm I don't know.

It's only a 'play quilt' but I'm really loving just taking the time to experiment with colours and prints in new ways and not have a set destination in mind (the background fabric belongs to another project I'm working on)
I'll be making up some more stars before the weekend and will post my colour options when they're done. How do you decide on a scheme? Do you follow your eyes and moods...or do you follow a formula?

Wednesday 14 October 2015


WOW = WIPs On Wednesday

I am bursting with pride and happiness for Nancy Jones Hansen who is the talented maker of this extraordinary, beautiful and 'Best of Show' winning Love Entwined. I first saw this image over on Facebook and I asked Nancy if I could share it on my blog. She's sending through a better image (which I will update and show off here as soon as I get it).

---and it doesn't stop there---

Earlier in the week, I was sent a link showing that Valerie Harmer of QLD had also shown her own Love Entwined and it is breathtaking - and completely different colour scheme wise and oh soooo beautiful. Two different LE's showing their splendor all in one week. WOW! I haven't asked for Valerie's permission to show her quilt on my blog, so here is a link for you to see it for yourself  ---click here---

When I designed this pattern, I really had no idea that so many talented quilters would make it into their own masterpiece and I am so happy to see that each quilter brings a new, unique style to the pattern - and I'm in love with them all.

WOW! If you're making Love Entwined, please remember that we are all super keen to see the results! (and yes, I am especially). It's so wonderful to see the diversity and workmanship out there. I know uploading images is a time consuming pain, but when you do, it really makes a difference to those of us who get inspired by seeing the finished quilt. Thank you so much :) Oh! And don't forget, we have a Love Entwined Gallery (link on the sidebar) and --anyone-- who has made LE is welcome and invited to join.

Phew, what a great start to Wednesday!

What's Your WOW?

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