Monday 14 January 2013

Minimising the Sewing Room

And I really thought I could do this in just a few weeks!!

My sewing room has been in need of some serious attention for years. Somehow, there's always been something more pressing to attend to. There were times I purchased the same item 2 or 3 times because I forget I already had some...or more often, couldn't find where the existing supply or item actually was. Then there came the time when my shelves couldn't take any more, then came the time when I found it hard to really do anything too productive because I had to dig myself into and out of areas. And it doesn't matter how large the space is, it seems I can always fill it...and have mobile sewing stations set up around the house as well. I really dislike the word 'minimising' because it always sounds to me of getting rid of things when you don't want to. And I do want to. This isn't about going without. It's about having the best use of what I already own.
The problem with going through all my stuff is that I keep finding interesting things!
I realised that I had too much stuff. The problem is, it's all useful. And it's all served a purpose. But, like a lot of things, I reached a point where I had to minimise. I want to go back to essential items and plenty of space. The fact is, although I have so many useful tools and time saving devices (such as specialty rulers), I always do things the same way and mostly use a small handful of the same things over and over. So who am I saving all these items for?? I was holding a lot of stuff for my DDs...but they've proven over and over that they're perfectly capable of buying things themselves. So I've decided to let a lot of unused items go to good homes. And I'm minimising to maximise my quilting time.

I've let go of literally hundreds of magazines which has given me so much space. Since blogging came along I don't buy magazines regularly anymore and I'll be holding onto just a shelf or two of essential quilting and inspiration books. Over the next 2 weeks I will be unpacking my fabrics and downsizing The Stash.

I'm really excited about my new neat shelves. Well, they will be neat. Soon.
When I started my clear out before Christmas, I really thought I could get it done before New Years. Ha! My fabrics are still boxed up. My Wips are still bagged up. It's just something that can't be rushed. I don't want a single unnecessary thing cluttering my space. I've sorted, boxed and moved everything out of my sewing space. I've re-positioned the shelves back to back, library like, to maximise room. I'm going through everything to have only the things I really need around me. I have so many projects I want to see completed over the next year or two, and this will be a real pick up in my working pace. I don't want to do it amongst clutter and disorganisation.

I really miss having my own sewing room to retreat to. I've started sketching over my shopping lists because I can't the box with all my journals. I've already started designing new quilt elements, so I'm going to need my new improved sewing space very soon; I'm going to have to just get on with it, no matter how long it takes! 

Monday 7 January 2013

Time for January

 I feel like I've only been off my computer for a few days,
 time really flies when I'm offline...

 What a beautiful suprise; I came home to find pink Hybiscus flowering

 which reminds me I need to spend some time in the garden 

 for some dead heading!
 I've been somewhat pre-occupied with 
Christmas Eve, Christmas,

 Boxing Day,
 a DD Birthday,
a quick get-away
and several times I tried to post my Christmas recipes and goings on, but couldn't upload images to blogger and could not work out why or what was going on. Well, now I have just found out that it's a major blogger problem that google are working out and I could have posted all along if I'd known to open my browser in Firefox, which is what I'm doing now as I am still having this difficulty with Google.

And it occurs to me, that technology is moving so fast, that whever I think I can just about manage it, it decides to upgrade and I'm left having to learn something new again and I find I'm wasting so much time on what should be really simple stuff.

I'd rather be quilting!

 It's time to get stuck into some WIPs (this is the plan) and try to hold off starting anything new (although I have some great ideas I feel should really get underway too) so I'll have to decide how to spend my quilting time, just as soon as I've caught up on my emails, below...

I need a full time secretary!

Saturday 1 December 2012

Christmas 2012 Linky Party

12 Days of Christmas Quilt Wall hanging
I'm yet to finish quilting mine, but it's coming out today anyhow!

Festive Season Linky Party

Each year as blogs wind down and thoughts turn to Christmas, I think of all the blogs I enjoy reading and the people I've come to know through blogging and I wonder what you're all doing at this time of year. I love WOW's during the year and thought an extended Christmas WOW would be so nice, a kind of virtual Christmas card where we can visit each other with a cup of coffee in hand..

So this year, why not link your own Christmas WIPs, recipes, patterns, plans or traditions anytime this month in the lead up to Christmas. I'd love to know how you're celebrating Christmas. I've started off by adding my most popular Christmas project (the crochet wreath) and my most requested recipe...but I'll probably add more as the month rolls on!


Friday 30 November 2012

Carnation & Daffodil

Forget Me Not: Part 11 is launched

Carnation & Daffodil

It's just that time of year already, and I know we've all got so much on this time of year, so
I've  decided to release the December 15th pattern early.

Here it is: this month we move down to size "A" which is the smallest block in the quilt.

This is the December 15th block

The next block will be released on January 15th, 2013

These are blocks from Part 11
of my free 2012 Mystery BOM Forget Me Not
Yes, anyone can join in:
You can download this month's block via my website or my Yahoo Bom Group

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