Wednesday 17 July 2019

WOW: Collar On !

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
I was thrilled to find this cardigan in this gorgeous hot pink colour. It's pure wool and beautifully made. But you know me, I had to embellish it somehow! I picked this lovely Bari J fabric and added this fabric collar just for the sake of it. I started last week and got as far as cutting out the pattern when I went down with a nasty bout of Influenza last Thursday. Although I'm still struggling a bit, I am glad to report that this particular WIP is done!
Today, I'm taking it easy with plenty of bed rest. The flu is no joke and I've really suffered from some nasty strains in the past 2 years. I get so annoyed when I see sick people out and about, spreading viruses, especially at this time of year. If you're sick, STAY HOME and stop spreading it.

My WIP today is all about getting better; I'm a terrible patient and just hate being sick, especially when I have so many other more exciting things I'd rather get on with.

 What's Your WOW? 

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  1. Pretty collar on a cute pink cardigan! I hope you will feel better soon, take care.

  2. Esther, what a beauty. Love the fabric choice for the collar. Hope you feel better soon. Rest up, it is the best thing to do. We agree with you. If someone is sick, they should stay home and get better, it is the kindest thing to do.

  3. Love the color of that cardigan! Does Australia give annual flu vaccines? I'm sorry you're not feeling up to par.

  4. Hi Esther! I know you are not going to see this for a bit, but I am sending you healing and get well thoughts. I agree with you - don't go spreading your germs around. Stay home and keep them to yourself or your peeps! That's the kindest thing you can do for complete strangers without them even being aware. ~smile~ Roseanne


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