Wednesday 5 June 2019

WOW: Busy As Can Be

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
Somehow June has happened and I don't know how I got here?! 2019 please slow down.. I have so many ideas and WIPs and designs and you know, I just can't believe we're half done with the year. Is it just me, or is time speeding up?

I'm really lucky to have 2 full days completely devoted to Hold Onto Your Heart at the moment and I'm excited to be making progress on both quilt tops. But I have so many designs waiting to be made as well as WIPs that need my attention...and now that winter is here..well, you know I went and purchased some yarn, didn't you?

Of course I did! What else is a quilter with over 100 WIPS going to do with her evenings in winter?
I know what you're thinking and believe me, I'm thinking it too.. but the creative urge strikes and off I go..

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  1. Those flowers and bows look fabulous! I can't imagine trying to tackle two different versions of that quilt at the same time. I'm just glad that my son's graduation quilt is finished, because that leaves just one overdue baby quilt and a charity top that needs quilted -- and THEN I get to tackle my Queen Esther's Garden applique that I've been dying to dig into ever since you first posted it!

  2. Over 100, really? My jaw is dropping.


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