Wednesday 3 October 2018

WOW: Finding My Stuff Again

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
This week I'm getting my house back in order. It looks like a creative workshop setting instead of a home and it's time to sort it all out. I really don't enjoy tidying up and cleaning but I must admit that one of the advantages of tidying up is finding my stuff again. This glue pen has been missing for months and it's been a real shame as it's one of my favourites to use when I'm working on turning applique in my living room as part of my 'footstool creative station'. I even went online to but a new one before this one re-appeared again.
It's a small victory in my uphill battle of taming the creative mess that has taken over the house. Have you purchased multiples of  a quilting or craft item.. simply because you couldn't find the first one at home? I probably shouldn't admit that this has happened to me a few times before! Anyway, back to work, I have lots more to get on with doing.

What's Your WOW?


  1. Glue pen? Sounds like a usefull notion, at least when you can find it ;))

  2. Admittedly, your are not the only one to loose a craft item in the creative process. I confess also. Thanks for your honesty.

  3. Sometimes you spend so much time searching you lose your mojo itself. Glue pen sounds interesting.

    1. I know, I'm already sick and tired of all this 'organizing' pah!

  4. I am interested in your favorite glue pen, too! I wish the brand name was in the photo. If it's YOUR favorite, it must be pretty amazing! :-) I'm curious about your methods, as usual, too. It looks like you're gluing your seam allowances to construction paper templates, but I can't figure out how you would ever get the paper out of the applique if that was the case. Is this how you prep for machine or hand stitching? Is the stuff that looks like construction paper in the photos actually a lightweight interfacing that stays in the project permanently? I'm "shopping around" for new methods and techniques that will speed up my prepping so I can get to the stitching part faster, but without compromising accuracy. Your work is amazing, so I'd love to know more about what you're doing. Thanks!

    1. Hi Rebecca Grace, I just love glue pens. This one is a Sewline brand one, I picked it up at my local sewing / hobby store and have since found out you can purchase them online everywhere. They come in two colours. I have another one (somewhere!) which is even better and it's pink. This one is blue which is tackier than the pink one. I prefer the pink one for this kind of work.. but it's still missing.

      Anyhow, you can buy refills in both options. I like it because it makes gluing these little seams much neater than using the Elmer's which is my staple. It's really just a matter of size for me. That is fusible which you see, it's part of my turn edge technique and it's really quick and easy.

      I have tutorials on how I do it and you can find them easily by clicking on my Applique Guide page at the top of this blog:

      Thanks for commenting :)

  5. I find it hard to tame mess and be creative so I do just enough pick up and clean up while I am working so that I can just keep working. P.s. I love glue pens.


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