WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays

Today I'm working on my BOM quilt 'Morning Glory'. As you can see, my design wall is taken up with MG and I'm rather keen right now to get the top completed. It's been hanging around a few weeks and it's about time I pulled it all together. All that mess below my design wall is my next project, waiting in the 'queue'!
Phew, sometimes I look at my creative queues and think I need to slow down and commit to one project at a time and progress in an orderly line. I tried that a few years ago and realized I was just kidding myself. I never do anything in a progressing straight line and my project Must Do's are no exception. Rather than fight my natural inclinations, I'm simply going along with them now. I feel more motivated this way.
Usually I reserve Wednesdays for WIPs that aren't BOMs as I usually work on BOMs all the time. But right now, I'm so excited about upcoming projects that I feel I need some clear space. Also, I know that if I take down Morning Glory, it will be months before I return it. So, I'm breaking my own rules to get ahead of my own schedule.

I love Wednesdays because they force me to stop, take a look at what I'm doing and 'recap' for this blog post. It's kept me accountable for many years and it helps remind me just how fast a week flies by. Without these WIP stops, I have no idea if I would have achieved as much since I started blogging. It's definitely a habit I want to keep for as long as I'm quilting.
What's Your WOW?
Morning Glory is a beauty!