Tuesday 21 August 2018

Book of the Week: Cat Lady Embroidery

I'm making plans to get back into the practice of regular hand embroidery in 2019. It's something I've neglected for over 20 years and I'm itching to enjoy the satisfaction of slow 'thread painting' in the winter months. As part of my preparation plans, I'm thinking about what skills I want to focus in on for the years ahead. And in my world, this means more books.

I know, I know, I just spent 5 years clearing out over 400 titles from my huge collection. And I must say, those books I parted with served me very well. But each had served it's time. It wasn't required anymore for I already knew everything in it or had exceeded what it offered. In a very real sense, I outgrew most of my craft and DIY books. And that's a good thing. So now I'm re-gathering my creative interests to move into areas as yet uncharted. And again, this means more books. Books that challenge me, inspire me and take me somewhere new.

So as I shop my new library, I'll be sharing what I've chosen in case you're looking for a new adventure too.

My first new book is this Cat Lady Embroidery. How gorgeous are these feline faces? I think I'm going to have to make ALL of them! It seems a good ease back into hand stitching and lots of fun too. These will be super cute badges that I'm already planning to turn into magnets for my fridge. And why not?

Now, for some thread shopping..


  1. Those are so cute! Thanks for showing this book, I never would have found it on my own. My daughter will love cat face brooches for her jean jacket.

  2. This looks like a Japanese embroidery book I have thought about, will have to look into it...thanks for sharing!

  3. Not sure how you are going to find the extra hrs to do them Esther LOL But oh they are so so cute, hope you DO restart your old hobby again next year. Cheers Glenda


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