You've already seen my set aside Star Block of a few days ago, here's how I made it:

These are my cut pieces for one block

This is two halves of the block. Each consists of two units.
Make sure all the seams go in one direction.
That way, when you join the centre, the centre will butt together.

Joining in the middle

This is the front. I added the triangles at this stage

You can see from this seam that I started from the centre and sewed down on each side.
It's a Y seam.

Lastly, I added the squares

And again, I stitched from my my pre marked dot down. Then turn and repeat on the other side.

At this point I turn

And stitch from the other side down

And this is the other side. Again, you can see my pen dot mark.

Fully stitched

This is how I pressed my star block from the back

And the front.
As I showed in my previous star block post, I check all my blocks against my 5.5 inch square.
They always measure 5.5 inches because I keep my seam allowances at a quarter of an inch.
Some people do a fat quarter or skinny quarter seam allowance. I always prefer a thread thickness less than a quarter. That way, when you turn the seam over, that thread width difference always creates the perfect quarter inch seam. I suggest you test on a scrap of fabric or make a sample block to work out your best seam allowance width for you own hand. There's nothing worse than having a Le Moyne star block that is too small. Neat, accurate seams ensure that this won't happen to you.
Morning Glory is my current paid BOM. It's an applique and pieced quilt.
You can start this BOM today!
Simply click the quilt image to learn more.
Thank you for an excellent process post.
ReplyDeleteOne suggestion that might help is to baste the center when you join the star halves. That way you can check if they butt correctly before actually sewing the final seam.