Wednesday 26 July 2017

WOW: Plugging Back In !

WOW = WIPS On Wednesdays
I've been offline for a week.. but it felt like time travelling back before the advent of the telephone. How did I even exist before the internet? Would someone please tell me? Of course, now that I'm back up and running I have a whole days worth of emails to deal with and there's always a few needles in those haystacks, so I'm brewing my coffee and will get stuck for a morning's catch up. If you're waiting to hear from me, I'll get back to you either today or tomorrow. Thanks for your patience.

In more interesting developments, I asked members over in my Facebook BOM Group via a poll if they would like another quickie BOM taking them from August 15th to November 15th this year ... or a rest to start again in 2018 refreshed? Well, the results are in and there's another Free BOM starting August 15th. Stay tuned, I can't wait to show it off soon.

What's Your WOW?


  1. With your picture I was set back to my childhood. My grandmother worked at a telephone sentral, and I was with her often. Looking forward to you BOM, I may jump in.

  2. I worked 30 plus years for the phone company, started out as a cord board operator, not quite as old as your picture but close, got a good laugh, thanks for sharing, and I do know what you mean about off line and the headache when you have to catch up

  3. hhmm was writing about our camping vacation and not being totally unplugged since the park has free wifi. I didn't take my laptop, but did take my 2 tablets and worked on some traffic exchanges here and there. I didn't open email though, or anything else.
    And, I ran money earning apps on my phone the whole time too.


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