Wednesday 14 December 2016

WOW: A Mystery No More!

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
This month I released Part 11 & 12 of Sweet 2016 together to everyone who started this BOM on it's launch - allowing original starters to get their blocks in order before the end of year. And this means, it's not a Mystery anymore! I always feel a little sad when a BOM ends, which is silly, but I do miss the monthly excitement of revealing each new part. Now it's time to put my domes over my chosen background and I must admit. I'm in two minds about it. First I loved it, then I didn't. Now I'm not sure. The lovely border is a bit washed out in this pic above, it looks better in real life (as below)
The problem is, I'm so in love with the fabric, but is it too crowded? I think so. Then again, maybe that's OK? I need fresh eyes. so I'll put this aside for a week before I take a final critical look. What do you think? And have you selected your own background fabric yet??

What's Your WOW?


  1. I like it. Looking at the domes without the back ground and then with it, I think the cake domes stand out with the busy fabric framing them. Does that make sense? Makes me think of a 1950's diner setting.

  2. Dear Esther what a wonderful year of fun and beautiful quilts you have given us to make or dream over. Thank you so much for your generosity and a great year in this group which is my
    place. Merry Christmas Glenda

  3. I agree - too crowded to see that gorgeous fabric. I vote for that lovely blue stripe you showed us in February. Whichever you pick I know it will be gorgeous - a wonderful project.

  4. I also agree. The great plate fabric would be better seen and enjoyed in another project. I like the idea of stripes or a tiny polka dot instead. This background detracts from your cakes. Decisions, decisions....

  5. I'm in the simpler background camp as well. And something with a blue tone would really contrast nicely to all that amazing detail.

  6. Simpler is better. The background distracts from all the lovely domed treats. Seems like you had a simple background earlier this year that was lovely.

  7. Hi Esther,
    That for making my first mystery BOM for a year experience a real treat! Loved receiving the pattern every month! And the detailed tutorials are much appreciated!
    Yes background fabrics are such a decision!
    Take care,

  8. The plate fabric is a beauty, but I do not think that it is the best choice for this project. I think that the scale is too large for the amount of background that will show, & that would be a shame.

    I also lost the cake stands when I first looked at the photo. I had to look again to see them on that background.

    A smaller scale design would be better for the background so that the cake stands are more visible. There is a lot of work in each design & it would be unfortunate not to be able to see it.

  9. Dear Esther, I would go with something that resembles wallpaper. I think you showed us something that did look like it a while back. Love the plate fabric, but possibly not for Sweet 2016. Hugs and thanks for all you do for us. Merry Christmas. Anne Marieke X


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