Friday 6 May 2016

Love Entwined: Month by Month: Part 3

In Part 3 it's time to create and put down the centre elements; these motifs take place around the centre compass and position themselves as markers indicating North, East, South and West. This strong repeat reference after the actual compass block is one that still intrigues me. Is it simply stylistic? Or is there a more romantic statement being pieced and stitched down? 
These 'hearts and crosses' have always made me wonder about the makers sentiment's of love making the world go around and I always make a point of noticing where each maker today places her motifs - some have opted to start the Hearts in the North point and I love noticing how and why this happens with each quilt. 


  1. I love how nice and neat your work is

  2. Esther,
    Could you tell me what kind of marking pen you use? I just bought some hand made tin stencils (feather design) and would like to find a thin marking pen as shown on your quilt above. Thank you.

  3. I use a 'Frixion' pen, here's my post all about it, hope it helps:

    1. let me try that link again.

    2. Nope sorry, I can't get it 'live', you'll have to cut and paste if you're interested. My computer skills leave a lot to be desired :(

  4. I really love the Frixion pens! I'm interested in what kind of needles you use, Esther. It seems like I have a great deal of difficulty pushing my needle through the applique pieces at times. Or is it that I'm trying to catch too much of the piece?

  5. Oh I'm still trying new needles all the time - and always looking out for new brands. I don't have a particular favourite yet, I'm still experimenting. Also, it all depends on what kind of applique you do. I have to be mindful when I make recommendations that I stitch through a lot of starch (Elmer's Glue) and this seems to wear down the needle coating faster. Also, the fabric I stitch through is tougher because if this dried glue, so it all depends on what I'm working on. I'll do a post on it.


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