Wednesday 15 April 2015

WOW: Oma's Blues Part 4

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
Oma's Blues is just flying by. I haven't made much of a start myself so I'm a bit shocked to be releasing Part 4 today. It seems like I just released this quilt yesterday and already we're in the fourth month. My goodness time flies when you get old! The more I see of Oma (and I'm so lucky that members are sharing images over in the Group of their work and ideas) the more I love this blue and white quilt. 

This month it's time for more charms. I like them all, but I think this cat really makes the charms homely- it's stolen a place in my heart. Our own much loved cat died a few years ago, at 15 years old. We discovered she had cancer after taking her to the vet's for a loss of appetite and she had to be euthanased the next day. Since then, we haven't been ready for another cat, but I really do miss having one around, inspecting all my quilting work. So this block is extra special to me as it really looks like her side profile actually!

What's Your WOW?


  1. Oh, no -- that's so horribly sudden, to have to put your kitty down so quickly before you can even process that she had cancer! Our furbabies become such dear family members. Your kitty silhouette block is lovely. Will you embellish it with any embroidery the way you do with some of your other applique?

  2. I don't think we ever get over the loss of a furbaby. Thanks for the kitty silhouette block. And I hope this finds you recovered from bout with flu.

  3. Hi Esther, I feel for you! I have lost two cats to cancer over the years, you never forget them, there is always something that jogs the memory into thinking of the happy days you had with them.

    I have just discovered your lovely blog via Chis of UK City Crafter. I will be back to visit again. Lovely blog and I like the Linky party.

  4. I am sorry for your loss. It is amazing how a little ball of fur can make such a huge impression and leave such a hole in our hearts when we lose him/her. I lost my two gingers boys less than a year apart and several years later I still think of them every day. The new block is very cute.

  5. Such lovely projects being shared here! We had to put my beloved dog down nearly 8 years ago and I'm still not ready for another. (It may have something to do with keeping up with a non-fur baby that was born afterwards, but still....)


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