Wednesday 27 February 2013

WOW: Too Much Cake!

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays

Happy Birthday to my DH. What a lovely day.
But two DDs means two cakes = what could I do with it all??

Luckily I had a judging workshop this past week and was able to share it out.
It was too good to go to waste...but I definitely couldn't have it hanging around the house where it would be too tempting to snack on all the time.

'where's the Easter box?' my DD asked me over our birthday lunch

'The Easter box? Why do you need that?' I replied

'Well', she told me, 'it's Easter now'

Yes it is.

Where does the time fly?
and where is the Easter box ???

'mum, this wouldn't happen if you weren't so disorganised!'

Hmm. No comment.

'do you know where the Easter box is?'

'of course, it's somewhere safe'

 And it is...somewhere. Wish me luck.

What's your WOW this week?


  1. HB dear HUBBY sure looks like you enjoyed some sweets. And yes Easter is just around the corner.
    Hope you find those Bunnies.

  2. OMGosh you are making me so hungry. Yummy!

  3. is it possible to have too much cake? They look delicious!

  4. There's no such thing as too much cake. =)


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