Monday 30 April 2018

Morning Glory: Part 5, the Rails Block

Part 5 is all about making 20 x Rails Blocks
There are several variations of colour arrangements required to make them slot in around the quilt (if you are following my colorway) so don't get confused when preparing your pieces.
 For each block, sew together TEMPLATES 5A, 5B & 5C  to create a trio ‘unit’.
 this is what the back of the trio unit looks like
 Each set of three TEMPLATES, sewn together is a unit, there are four units per blocks. Sew two units together first (above), them  join both halves together to create a single block.
 Like this
 and this is the back
and sewn together
 and the completed front

Importantly for this block, there are  4 x colour placements, so follow the images in the pattern and make the blocks  accordingly.

Gorgeous, huh? 
1 down, 19 left to do..

BOM 2018, My Biggest Year Ever! 

Morning Glory is my current paid BOM. It's an applique and pieced quilt. 

You can start this BOM today! 

Simply click the quilt image to learn more.

To see some of the breathtaking examples that are taking shape, simply visit my Free BOM Group on Facebook where progress images are being shown all the time. It's a massive inspiration and I warn you, it's addictive!

Friday 27 April 2018

'On My Window Flowers Bloom' Now Available!

'On My Window, Flowers Bloom' an applique wall hanging. Finished Size 38 x 48 inches.

  This gorgeous wall hanging is now available in my pattern shop!  

Yes, I've finally added OMWFB to my pattern shop. I know many of you have been requesting this pattern since I released it last year. At that time it was offered for free. Since the free period expired and the pattern was taken down, I hadn't actually gotten around to adding it to my pattern shop. Until now. I know all you new members to my Group have been pining for this pattern. You can now purchase and download this pattern any time you like. 

For those of you who missed it the first time around, be sure to join my Facebook BOM Group so that you don't miss any more freebies when they happen and yes, this colouring shown has been created with Kaffe Fassett fabrics. Doesn't it just shine? I LOVE IT! There are quite a few OMWFB projects on the go out there and if you spot them on our Facebook Group, you will be sure to swoon. They are completely fabulous.

'On My Windows Flowers Bloom' 
Complete PDF Pattern
$19.95 USD 

What you need to know:
Payment is securely completed via PayPal
You don't need a PayPal account to pay as PayPal also securely processes Credit Card payments 
Pattern downloads are INSTANT and followed up with a live link to your email inbox
Check your email for the follow up email (and check your spam / junk folders if you can't see it)
The pattern will download to your computer directly
You REQUIRE an UPDATED PDF Reader in order to open and print the PDF Pattern

When you receive your download, be sure to SAVE it to your computer.
If you print it directly from the browser download screen, it will not be backed up to your computer. 

Wednesday 25 April 2018

WOW: Feeling Sorry For Myself

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
Well, I'm going stir crazy. It's been 2 weeks since I injured myself and although I'm getting better, the getting is slow going. Some days I feel almost back to normal, but then the following day the pain and discomfort is double. I still can't get into my car and I'm just so over feeling this way.

There have been some positives - my paperwork and design folios have finally been organized (this was long overdue) and I'm catching up on bits here and there. But, the painkillers I take make it hard for me to focus for more than a few hours a day, so even that becomes too much.

I'm still working on my case of random fabric squares that I'm joining up to be a purposeful mis-mash quilt.

Last week some gorgeous new Fassett fabrics arrived, but I've been feeling so tired, I haven't even unpacked the parcel properly. I'm looking forward to turning a corner, the sooner the better.

What's Your WOW?

Tuesday 24 April 2018

'Oma's Blues' I still Love You!

These are detail pics from my mainly applique quilt 'Oma's Blues'
I say 'mainly' applique; however, although there are some pieces blocks in the border (above) - I actually ended up applique-ing those too. I mean, why not? I love applique!
I had a visitor around to visit me today and they asked to see it in person. Of course, I was happy to show off this beauty. As it's been stored rolled up, I hadn't seen it in 2 years and seeing it fresh again today, well it took my breath away! Yes, I still love it! 
Several quilting groups have selected Oma's Blues are are meeting up once a month to make the blocks together over a chat and endless cups of tea and coffee. How perfect does that sound?
I can't wait to see their results as the months tick by..
 This quilt was inspired by all things Delft and the most natural colourway for it simply had to be blue and white, but I've seen some variations including a warm autumnal shaded one and a multi colour one and they are both breathtaking!
 Thanks for taking this trip with me down memory lane. Sometimes I forget just how much I've done, and it feels so nice to be reminded that these beauties do actually exist and are admired all over the world.

If you're interested in making Oma's Blues, I have a Facebook Group set aside for this quilt specifically. It's the perfect place for you to arrange to meet up with people and share your blocks on a regular basis if you are connecting online.

Of course, you can join my regular Facebook Group too where every one of my quilts - including 'Oma's Blues' is being made and is most welcome.

You can find all my Oma's Blues posts archived here on this blog so that if you are making my quilt, you can follow what I did, step by step.

Oma's Blues
Blog Post Archive

Wednesday 18 April 2018

WOW: Still Hobbling Around

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
Thank you so much for your well wishes and good thoughts for my speedy recovery. It's been 10 days now and I really am feeling better, pain wise. But I'm still sore and hobbling around. It's so boring to be in so much pain. It's boring to talk about and it's boring to listen to, so I apolagize for that. It's been my main preoccupation and I've been super frustrated too, because not only do I have so much to do (and am keen to get on with it all), but I'm just not the kind of person who like to do..well, 'nothing'.

I tried all sorts of things to keep my mind active, a bit of crochet, some reading, some designing, but everything just made me feel sick. Since my back has been 'out' of alignment, I've been having headaches and can't stand too much screen time, so even my favourite Pinterest boards don't interest me! It feels like such a waste of 'down time'..
But anyhow, I finally settled on some hand stitching. I have a box of HST scraps that I've started putting together into mini blocks (above). It's all very random. I make these every now and again. This is the project I take with me when I'm going to a sewing bee as it's basic and I don't have to concentrate whilst I'm chatting away. One day I will end up with a fantastic multi fabric HST block quilt that contains scraps from ALL my quilt projects and stash remnants and this idea really pleases me.

So for now I rest, stretch, sew some blocks and repeat. Hopefully I'll be back on my feet by the next WOW, I have so much I want to share with you..

What's Your WOW?

Saturday 14 April 2018

'Diamond Hill' Now Available!

Diamond Hill is an applique quilt, finished size: 72 x 72 inches

I'm delighted to finally add Diamond Hill to my online PDF pattern store.

Diamond Hill was my free BOM for 2017 and it was hugely popular. You've probably seen images of blocks being made or completed floating around in my Groups on Facebook, and each is as gorgeous as the next. This is simply a design that lets your fabrics shine. Whether you want to go bold and bright with a dark background as above, or go dreamy and low contrast, all fabric choices I have seen have made perfectly fabulous quilts. 

If you missed out on this stunning BOM back in 2017, it's now available to to download as a digital pattern in PDF. 

'Diamond Hill' Complete PDF Pattern: $19.95 USD

What you need to know:
Payment is securely completed via PayPal
You don't need a PayPal account to pay as PayPal also securely processes Credit Card payments 
Pattern downloads are INSTANT and followed up with a live link to your email inbox
Check your email for the follow up email (and check your spam / junk folders if you can't see it)
The pattern will download to your computer directly
You REQUIRE an UPDATED PDF Reader in order to open and print the PDF Pattern

When you receive your download, be sure to SAVE it to your computer.
If you print it directly from the browser download screen, it will not be backed up to your computer.

Wednesday 11 April 2018

WOW: Ouch! My Sitting Down WOW!

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
Well, this is me today. I can't show you my face as I'm grimacing and have Einstein wild hair.
Definitely not fit for the camera. Why? I have pinched a nerve in my lower back and oh boy, do I feel it!

It's all I can do to sit wrapped up and stay cosy. I'm taking anti inflammatories and getting up to walk every hour for as long as I can before the pain is too severe and I have to sit down again.

I am so frustrated. I have so much to do, but am stuck sitting down. I'm really sorry to have missed an opportunity to see a Love Entwined Quilt hanging on display this past weekend at a local quilt show because I couldn't even sit in the car, let alone walk into the venue. I'm not catching up online much either as I feel sick after 20 minutes of looking at a screen. So I'm spending this time reading books and drawing sketches. I'm trying to see the positives of this injury imposed slow down.What else can I do? Hopefully I'll design some extra quilts during my downtime. 

The worst bit? The way I sustained my injury: sneezing whilst I was bending over.
Honestly, it's so ridiculous I can't even believe it. 

Please send me all your positive healing thoughts, I need as many as I can get!

What's Your WOW?

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