Friday 24 November 2017

Secret Garden: Working On My Centre Colours

Today I'm looking at my fabric choices to determine what fabrics should make up my centre blooms. I have some strong pinks in the surrounding blocks, so I need to balance these out without making the quilt lean too much on any side visually due to the colours (if you know what I mean).

I painted myself into a corner by selecting such a soft and delicate fabric range, my own eye always prefers mid tones and I really thought limiting my pallette would help me get over my constant and frustrating fabric deliberations.. but it just means that I relied too heavily on introduced shades to make the existing ones work.

Fabric selection is definitely something I need to work on. I yearn to make crazy colour clashing quilts but then can't find the fabric to do so and feel stuck with whichever selection I opt for. When it comes to my relationship with fabric, the grass is always greener on the other side!

Fabric battles aside, the delicacy of this pallette is dreamy and feels so gently and romantic, like a swaying breeze. I can't wait to have my own Secret Garden to show off.

Thursday 23 November 2017

An Attitude of Gratitide

I was sent this card today, and I decided that I must share it here on my blog and take a moment to thank you all. For reading my blog, for supporting my work, for giving me kind words of encouragement. I'm grateful for all of you. 

Thank you so much. 

Wednesday 22 November 2017

WOW: Shine On!

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
So, I've been doing a little fabric shopping to get me in the 'zone' for all my BOMs and projects and bonuses that are coming in 2018, and this beauty just stood out. 

And, as I can't show you my bonus projects just yet, I thought I would share this gem. And that's the perfect word for it, isn't it? I decided to use these jewels in the making up of flowers for applique. But as soon as my DD saw it, she had different ideas, and this reminded me that I have to design some extra easy quilts that just show off fabric. Because I don't even want to cut this beauty up!

It's been a while since a fabric offered me this much fun just for existing and I am loving every minute of it! What do you think? 
What's Your WOW?

Monday 20 November 2017

BOM 2018: Introducing 'Daisy Blue' (3 of 3)

Beginners, fear not! I have not forgotten you in my BOM 2018 offerings. As you know, my BOM 2018 includes 3 x BOM quilts (and a few extras to boot) and whilst I'll always show you how to navigate the blocks of all my quilts each month, I know there are some of you starting out who just want things easy.

'Daisy Blue' is a quilt custom designed for all you beginners out there and is approachable, achievable and a perfect quilt to 'step up' your skills with.

I'm thinking of making my own Daisy Blue from my Fassett stash, which explains my riot of colour below, but as always, the potential to create your own style with your own favoured fabrics - be they bold or gentle, is limitless.

Make your 2018 the most creative yet, join my BOM 2018 now to secure your Early Bird Discount (expires Thanksgiving). You can pay in full once or in monthly installments. Simply click the early bird to learn more and sign up.

Sunday 19 November 2017

BOM 2018: Introducing 'Love Always' (2 of 3)

'Love Always' is inspired by the ever intriguing Love Entwined 1790 Marriage Coverlet and is an entirely new quilt hopelessly devoted to re-imagining the original in an updated but still breathlessly beautiful design. This is quilt for applique enthusiasts and lovers of fine detail and heirloom quilts. Finished size is 88 x 88 inches.

Although completely new, this original design is, in my own mind, a sister quilt to Love Entwined. They belong to the same family of romantic florals, bows and beauty. I always knew when I released Love Entwined out into the world, that the design story wasn't over for me. I wanted to go back to the evocative style of the coverlet and create something new.

I'm still thinking up colourways for Love Always and will update and show off a few more ideas before today is over. But my first colour was is highly symbolic for me. It's in red and white, just like my first ever BOM 'Red Delicious' was and it feels like a nice tie in to present Love Always in that way. As you know, 2018 is all about celebrating my 10 years of blogging and BOMs, so having Love Always nod to Red Delicious in this way feels so right.

If you've signed up to my BOM 2018, Love Always will be available to you, just like Morning Glory (revealed yesterday) is and just like Daisy Blue (revealed tomorrow) will be. There'll also be extra bonus quilts on offer to make 2018 my biggest ever quilt-a-thon year!

Make your 2018 the most creative yet, join my BOM 2018 now to secure your Early Bird Discount (expires Thanksgiving). You can pay in full once or in monthly installments. Simply click the early bird to learn more and sign up. 

Be sure to check back tomorrow when I'll release the sketch for 'Daisy Blue' (3 of 3)

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