Friday 13 May 2016

Hazel & Little Hazel: Part 5

With everything that's been going on in the last month I've been in something of a time warp. I can't believe it's been a month since my mother passed away - and I'm also shocked when I  consider all the travelling and goings on I've got through in that time too. No wonder I'm exhausted! Luckily the Moderator's kept the Group going like they always so, and I'm reminded all over again that we're so lucky to have them.

I was really surprised to see so many Hazel Swirl blocks completed over in the Group. I couldn't believe how many of you have progressed along each month without skipping a beat! When I fist came across the working from the reverse method (which I showed you in Hazel Swirl), it took me a while to get my head around the whole idea - but you all seem to have taken it in your stride!

It's really impressive and I was cheered up to see all the centre blocks and swirls waiting around so patiently for this month - and the color and fabric ranges out there - WOW! There's so many of you that every taste, mood and scheme is just about covered. I love to browse the pics and see what you've all been getting up to. And I love the ease of Facebook for doing that - sharing, commenting and linking in is so easy. Actually it's the only reason I love Facebook and I wouldn't be there otherwise. But the ease of connecting with you all over there is just too good to pass up.

This month we're creating the Hazel Star block. In comparison to the last three months, it feels like things just got easy. Most of you know how to piece and will have no trouble at all with this block. I love how it comes together, it's really striking and in the quilt design, it moves the eye along to create a visual flow and connection. Last month's Hazel Swirl blocks represented the winds, this month the Hazel Star blocks represent the sky and surrounding the compass centre point, it all comes together to make me think of journeys, pathways and movement in general.

Remember to read through the pattern before making a start and take your time prepping the pattern Templates. Here's how I made mine:
 the first thing I did was to create 'units' as per the pattern
be sure of your fabrics and Template pieces before attempting to group them
 and then sew these 'units' together to create larger units
 which slot into place 

Hazel & Little Hazel are my current Free BOMs  
You can join my BOM Group my clicking here now. It's full of fabulous, talented women sharing their work, ideas and inspirations as they make my quilt patterns. Join us and our friendly, supportive community today. 
Wait until the 15th of each month and download the available pattern right here directly on my blog. The choice is yours. My old Yahoo Group has closed due to limitations on the platform. If you haven't come over to the new group, now is a good time.

Wednesday 11 May 2016

WOW: Comfort Food

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays 
The last two weeks have been completely surreal. I'm just about over the flu, although still over tired. All my plans to get back into a routine are still just plans and I haven't even finished unpacking our suitcases or tackled the washing. I'm torn between taking it easy or getting back to normal and find I still can't decide to do either most days.

On Sunday it was Mother's Day, and also a month to the day since my mother passed. Although I don't have much of a sweet tooth, I had been craving cake all week so we splurged on a beautiful and decadent chocolate mousse which we ate off my wedding plates. I found them when I sorted through my mother's things, and they made the journey home in one piece which was a nice surprise.

I don't know why food tastes so much better when it's beautiful to look at, but I find it is. 
Today I was hoping to catch up on some emails, but my email server, GoDaddy is down. I've googled it and am relieved to know it's not just me, it's worldwide ( I couldn't handle any new tech issues on top of everything else). So I might try and get some laundry done. It's about time.

What's Your WOW? 

Friday 6 May 2016

Love Entwined: Month by Month: Part 3

In Part 3 it's time to create and put down the centre elements; these motifs take place around the centre compass and position themselves as markers indicating North, East, South and West. This strong repeat reference after the actual compass block is one that still intrigues me. Is it simply stylistic? Or is there a more romantic statement being pieced and stitched down? 
These 'hearts and crosses' have always made me wonder about the makers sentiment's of love making the world go around and I always make a point of noticing where each maker today places her motifs - some have opted to start the Hearts in the North point and I love noticing how and why this happens with each quilt. 

Wednesday 4 May 2016

WOW: May Already?!

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays

Well I've been home a whole week now and the flu has hit me hard. When I first arrived home, I was tired and a bit flat, but I didn't feel unwell. In fact, I felt inspired to pick up my Love Entwined and get some serious hand stitching done. But before I could make a start or even unpack my suitcases, the flu hit and hit hard. I think now that my body was waiting until I was home again to fall sick. The shock, grief and virus has come all at once. Both my DH and I have been ill for the past 8 days and I'm completely sick and tired of being sick and tired. So today, it's more bed rest for me and looking forward to a week ahead. A week free of illness and full of calm reflection. Fingers crossed.

Wednesday 27 April 2016

WOW: Home Again

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
After all the turmoil, sadness and travel of the last 3 weeks, it feels good to be home again and sleeping in my own bed. The downside is that I have come down with a full blown flu and it's severe. My DH has it too, so we're both taking it as easy as can be expected. I'm hoping to feel better enough to finally dig into this parcel from the Fat Quarter Shop which arrived just before I left and still hasn't been fully unpacked. Since arriving home yesterday, I've really enjoyed seeing how far so many of you have progressed with Hazel and I've been pining for Love Entwined. With several newly finished in the Group, I suddenly feel in the right frame of mind to pick it up again. But I'm much too sick for any sewing today. It will be tea, bed rest and plenty of lemon and honey for me.

What's Your WOW?

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