Wednesday 7 October 2015

WOW: New Pattern Sneaky Peek!

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
Talk about unexpected! This is me, drafting my new quilt project. I've had the design at the back of my mind for a while now. Then when I got Di Ford's new fabric range into my house, I draped it over some chairs as was constantly looking at it. I wanted to use it up in a quick project (by my standards) so a wall hanging felt ideal - Lily Rose size or thereabouts. I wasn't sure if I had the time or motivation to fix another pattern - but last week I found both!

These pics are from last week and I'm looking forward to releasing the pattern here in the next week or so. I'll show it off properly just as soon as I work out how to get around my scanning issues.

What's Your WOW?

Tuesday 6 October 2015

Soothing Love Entwined Hours...

I've been a bit stressed since my 820 got taken away for repair. Of course, it had to happen just when I'd packed most of my other machines into storage - so I'm at a complete stop, machine quilting wise. And LE2 and Oma's Blues are still waiting to be quilted, draped over in the living room.
It's one thing to get the time to actually quilt without interruption...and quite another to watch that time slip away. WIP wise, it's so frustrating. My solution? Hand work.
There are still hundreds of hours of hand sewing left in my original Love Entwined top, so I'm tackling it the only way I know how - an hour at a time. It's been a few weeks since I spent a a few hours on LE and I must admit, once I find my stride, it's soothing.
I've reached that point of progress where you can actually see it 'taking shape' and it's getting rewarding to see the changes after each session - it's happening that quickly now. 
I know it's mine, but even so, I really have to say how much I love this quilt.
Just in case I've left you in any doubt?!
I know I always go on about this quilt, but it really is oh so special. 

Wednesday 30 September 2015

WOW: Forced Pause :(

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
Well, I have to admit I'm rather frustrated and somewhat annoyed. By now, my quilt Oma's Blues should have been finished. Would have been finished - except for one thing. Let's just say that due to technical difficulties, my favorite state of the art sewing machine is currently indisposed. I'm going to leave it at that for now because I am rather upset about the whole thing...

Here I have Oma's Blues on top and Love Entwined 2 beneath, both waiting for my attention...
so much for my schedule :(  Hopefully you've managed to be more productive than I have since last week. How's your WIP pile going? I went to the supermarket and suddenly it's time for Christmas everywhere so my mind has turned to thoughts of wondering what I can get done before the end of 2015.
What's Your WOW ?

Friday 25 September 2015

Tree of Life: Variations on a theme

I've cut up my panel. Now it's time to play...
 and re-frame and maybe even introduce something new
I've grafted a branch
 re-located some birds
 and settled on a new background that is very close to the original in tone
I find that no matter how busy I am, there's always room for another WIP.

Do you have this panel? What are your plans for it?
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