Friday 15 November 2013

Love Entwined Part 6 is Launched

It's time for: Flower Vase 3
You've done so much work! The workmanship on these flowers has been stunning: it's become a habit to look through our New Photo's Area before I do anything else online. And the colours - so many great ideas, so many interesting combinations, I love each and every one. There's so many great ideas and beautiful applique works being made. Thank you so much for sharing it in our group, I know it takes time to upload photos and share them with us and for that I thank you! We love them all!
So this month, it's more of the same. Take you time, enjoy each vase and its unique little personality and embellish. I learnt the hard way on my previous BOM Forget Me Not that it's so much easier to embellish and detail as you go along - don't leave it to the end.  Flower Vase 3 and 4 (next month) have an added shape next to the four hearts shape - so it's the perfect spot for some fussy cutting or borderie perse.
This is where we are up to:

No! it's not too late! 
Usually my patterns stay up for free for only 1 month, but Love Entwined is a very special quilt and I mean it when I say that I want any quilter, interested in making this historic BOM, to be able to do so for FREE, so for this reason; all the BOM parts up to the current block are still available for free over in my Yahoo Group. Go ahead, join us as we make it!

No, I haven't started yet!
With one thing and another, this quilt has conspired to stop me making a start on it! At least once a week I'll have an email from an interested quilter wanting to know if I've made a start yet. Well, the answer is, no I haven't. My year has personally been unexpectedly busy and I simply haven't had the space to make a start. This quilt is so special, I intend to make it my own way and in my own time and...hopefully...sooner rather than later.

Can't wait to see what you do this month...

‘Love Entwined 1790 Marriage Coverlet’ is a Free 18 Month Historic BOM
Each ‘block’ of the month is released monthly, on the 15th of each month. All ‘blocks’ are available for free during the month of their release. Any missed ‘blocks’ may be purchased.
All ‘blocks’ are available for download via my Yahoo BOM Group only

Wednesday 13 November 2013

WOW: working on a 10inch beauty

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays

I feel like my computer troubles are never ending - every WOW seems to be more of a technological update than a WIP one so I've decided to do something fun to get my mind off my computer. Today I'm happy to have something positive to share with you - and yes it's a WIP. 

My challenge is to create a 10 x 10inch piece. Although a new project is the last thing I need right now, this one is short enough to tackle without taking time from anything else. I've decided on making the scaled down centre of a new design of mine- with my predictable favourite colour scheme of red and white. I'll let you know more about it when I reveal it finished next week...or thereabouts.

I always like to try new things and for this project I'm using liquid stitch, waiting for it to dry and then cutting around the shape. I'll let you know how it turns out.

I am taking a holiday from my computer until my repair person can finishing restoring it - apologies if I have not responded to your emails, I know there is something of a backlog at the moment, but I have had to get back to what I love - quilting - and away from the frustrations of the screen. 

What's Your WOW ?

Wednesday 6 November 2013

WOW: Another Year Another Birthday

WOW = WIPs On Wednesday

I'm taking it easy after my birthday and tidying up today. This year my DDs reminded me of a WIP I promised myself many years ago. I decided that at my  current age, I would work on embroidering an entire wool robe in thread and silk embroidery, from the collar all the way down to the hem. I was thinking of a dark blue robe with full coloured threads that I'd wear for many years to come. Of course, I had this idea before I started quilting and somehow assumed that I'd have plenty of free time by now..?? I don't think I have free time, I don't know what I was thinking those years ago, I never thought I'd be busier than ever with my children grown up!

So these birthday slippers are especially sweet because they remind me of what I'd be doing if I wasn't a quilter and they satisfy my need for some embroidery without adding another WIP to the pile!

What's Your WOW?

Wednesday 30 October 2013

WOW: One of Those Weeks

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays

This is my desktop screen; I like to start each day with this beautiful image 
and imagine who's in that house? and what kind of quilts are draped over their beds?
Well, have you ever had one of those weeks? I feel like every technological thing in our household is out to get me; viruses, freezes, crashes, failed restores, system failures, cables burning out. I mean really, I don't even know half of what is going on. And then, on top of all this, a power outage. Right in the middle of a system reboot. I had my computer and printer updated a few weeks ago and nothing has been running smoothly. All the technicians that have come round keep asking me 'what I do?' they can't believe a "quilter" could possible need so much technology... 'for just a blog'

Just a blog, eh?

I talk about my tech problems a lot on this blog. Mostly because I feel that all this technology that so easily promises to be a tool, so often ends up being an expensive waste of time. Sometimes I feel like I need staff  (and an on call IT expert) to get through and accomplish everything I want done!
and this is how I actually end up feeling
Sometimes I dream about logging off forever. Then I consider how much work, updates and and installations would be waiting for me if I ever did unplug and then want to re-plug...and so I change my mind.

Do you ever feel like its too much bother? Or do you enjoy the new advances technology allows? Do you think it enhances your love of quilting? or something else?

Actually I love sharing what I do and blogging my quilting journey here, I just wish it was as fast and easy as they keep promising me with every software, update and gadget.

What's Your WOW?

Saturday 26 October 2013

Blogger's Quilt Festival: Pomegranate

AmysCreativeSideThank you Amy for so generously hosting another Blogger's Quilt Festival!

 I love sharing the stories behind my quilts as well as hearing about everyone else's quilts too. If this is your first time to my blog, welcome and thank you for stopping by.

This time around the linky's are under catergories (it took me a while to work this out!) and I am listing this link under Wall Hanging Quilts.

quilted wall hanging
I designed Pomegranate as part of a series of 'vase' wall hangings. At the time I had a set of three designed and this is my first. Each being of a similar design with the same vase used throughout but featuring different bouquets. My other vases centre around the pineapple and rose as their main themes. The idea behind the vase theme was to have an installation of 3 vase quilted wall hangings, each one representing a positive homely trait and blessing.
 For this wall hanging, the Pomegranate symbolises fertility, wealth and abundance. And my other two vases represented hospitality and humility and love and devotion, respectively. My other two are still WIPs (like a lot of my To Do's....) This quilt is hanging up at home in my lounge room, a reminder for me to get on with my projects.

Like a lot of my wall hangings, I often enhance the fabric with embellishments and pen work. When I do this, I use the appropriate medium so that my embellishments are permanent and colour sure.

Thanks for stopping by and visiting my blog...

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