Wednesday 6 February 2013

WOW: Dabbling in the Garden

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays

Wrong time of year
Wrong time to pot
Wrong time to be outside

But I've spent so much time indoors this year so far,
sorting out my sewing studio, going through all my stuff, downsizing all my stuff, that I couldn't resist picking up this potted flower bunch when I was out grocery shopping.

I thought it was a lisianthus when the flowers were tightly curled, but it turned out to be a Prairie Rose.
And whilst I'm out here, I may as well get some weeding done. Before it heats up for the day.

Next week is the final part of the applique block installments of the Mystery Bom,
does it feel like the almost (nearly...) end yet??

I'm already excited about the next one.

What's Your WOW?

Wednesday 30 January 2013

WOW: Oh, Not Much...

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays

I'm not much of a WOW host, am I?

I spend all my time tidying up, cleaning out and generally in a bit of a state. I should be showing all my WIPs to the wider world, one UFO at at time, I mean, it's only right and it's why I started WOW in the first place.

But I think I can be forgiven today, as I happen to be working on the next Mystery BOM. Yes, another one!

I shouldn't. My 'mystery' this year should be to unearth all my WIPs and get them done.

It's only right. And it's been so long since I started them that they probably would all my mysteries to me. But I can't help creating new things, so here I go again.

Add Your Own WOW!

Wednesday 23 January 2013

WOW: Finding My Patterns

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays

Downsizing doesn't get any easier. I wish I could report on my progress since last week, but there's been so little of it. I thought I had enough room for the essentials, but it looks like I'm going to have to re-think what those essentials are. I haven't even started on my stash yet, and looking at my boxes I know more than half has to go. But what to do with it? It's all so beautiful which is why I chose it to begin with..and that's what makes it so difficult to part with. I keep re-finding old ideas with each new batch of prints, even though I know full well that each new quilt usually requires the purchasing of new fabric. I have to get around this or I'll never have the space I need.

On the plus side, I found a folio of my quilt patterns and I'm having a good look over what I want to make and looking at my calendar thinking about reasonable dates to get around to making it. There's another BOM in here somewhere and I'm deciding between mainly pieced or mainly applique? I feel like some piece work after FMN, but applique never loses it's allure either.

What's your Wednesday?

Wednesday 16 January 2013

WOW: Look What I found ...

 WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays

Look what I found this morning - I guess there really are some perks to clearing out your sewing room! I have loved this little Ming Dynasty Japanese vase for over 20 years! It's been missing for a good five years, I was sure I last saw it in my DDs bedroom, so I'll have to admit right now that I actually found it nestled in my aqua/yellow fabric stash. It was bundled up which must be how I missed it when I packed my fabric boxes up. I think I must have been matching it...for a table runner or a complimentary applique plate wall hanging, or maybe I just wanted to make some cotton serviettes to serve with tea and biscuits? They all sound like nice ideas.

This little find coupled with the fact that it's Wednesday and I don't have any WIP progress to show because of my sewing room situation, makes me all the more determined to make more progress today.

What's your WOW?

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