Wednesday 13 June 2012

WOW: Travel WIP 2

WOW= WIPs On Wednesdays

I've just found out that Hearts Desire
was placed 2nd at the Sydney Quilt Show in it's category- Predominantly Applique!

How's that for some Work In Progress...during my absence??!

Friday 8 June 2012

A Carriage In Vienna

What can I say about such a historic town?

Horse drawn carriage is probably the best way to enjoy Vienna

It's definitely the best seat for taking in the views: I love looking at the all the old buildings and the rich details of plasterwork and ironwork ....and all without a moments thought for traffic. Bliss!

 Here I am really enjoying the view (and some gentle sun)

 I love the historic statues
the hotdog stands

 the view of the streetscape

the ironwork... just looking at this gate got to me thinking about Sunshine & Shadow, my stencil quilt which was designed around traditional iron scrollwork motifs. I love it!

and more ironwork in windows

Of course once around wasn't enough to take in a city as beautiful as this,
I had to go around again just to appreciate things from the opposite view
and changed seats with my DH who was sitting opposite.

So much motivation for one morning, the only thing missing
was a stop inside a quilting shop for some fabric to go with my fresh ideas.

Luckily, I didn't find one!

Wednesday 6 June 2012

WOW: Travel WIP 1

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays

Not enough hand luggage to bring along any real WIPs, so here's some
airplane food whilst I wait for all your WIPs to join in the linky party...

I was at a newstand yesterday, looking for something interesting
 and all I could think was, I wonder what's on WOW this week?


Monday 4 June 2012

Up In The Air

As you're reading this, I should be landing in Vienna after a long flight.

It really surprises me how much technology can change your habits and the way you view things.
After so many of you replied to my questions (thank you) regarding the usefulness of a Kindle (over carrying books during travel) I decided that I definitely needed one. DH got us both a tablet instead. I must admit, I wasn't impressed at the time - I mean, it looked like just another device to me....and one I'd have to take the time to learn! Android learn! And I'm already time poor so when it comes to WIPs, I like them to quilting based - not techno learning based!

But I have had to admit whilst packing for this trip that I realised how very grateful I am that he did choose a tablet over a Kindle on it's own. Because now I can send emails, read kindle books, read magazines, browse the web, check into yahoo group, blog and skype ...all in the weight of a sketchbook! It's wonderful. One less piece of baggage - the laptop is now obsolete for travel and that's 3kgs off my shoulders and it lasts hours longer than my laptop battery did too! For once I'm really pleased with technology.

Well, the changes didn't stop there.
Here I am modelling my travel poncho.
Isn't it nice??!

Last year when I was flying, I decided that I needed a poncho. I don't especially like poncho's but I get cold easily when I travel and airplanes are either too hot or too cold for me and the idea of carrying around an extra jumper for the airplane was a waste of hand luggage space...and my pashmina wasn't warm enough and I always feel funny about the blankets on airplanes. So, here it is. I also have one in teal, just for a change on the way back home!

Speaking of hand luggage space, last year I promised myself I would not take on a 'handbag' as hand luggage onto a flight again. All my handbags are too roomy, I always overfill them and it's always such a nuisance to manage as well as a suitcase. So just for the airport and the airplane ...for the first time I have decided to use a backpack.

Here I am wondering if it really is such a good idea, I'm not exactly the backpacking type

but you know, I can't argue with how practical it is and I've reached a point where things have to be as practical and easy and possible. No more limping with an overfilled handbag, I strictly packed mine in my suitcase (at the bottom) so I wouldn't change my mind at the check in counter.

And I'm off!

Wednesday 30 May 2012

WOW: Quilting Bits & Pieces

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays

Quilting has a way of taking up room. It just has. Today I am sorting through a shelf to make more room. And it's not just the quilts, it's all the interests associated around quilting as well. This has been on my mind a lot these last few weeks as I have been trying to minimise my tools to keep them contained in my studio...and not the 'studio and around the house'. I find I can fill my studio up all too quickly, which sees me move into the kitchen area...and I think I have to get practical about what I need and don't need or we will all end up living in a quilting museum, but without the floorspace!

But this is so much harder than it sounds. In quilting, you can't apply the 'has it been used within the last 12 months?' rule for deciding whether to keep or give something away, because with quilting it's not about time exactly, it's all about intentions, and I do genuinely intend to use all my quilting tools at some later stage for some later project.

Luckily some items are easier to let go of. In theory anyway, none of these magazines have actually left my house yet. But you can see I have sorted and bagged them and they will be leaving. Yes, I am talking quilting magazines, I used to purchase several every month without fail, I even had subscriptions so I wouldn't miss a thing. Clearing out my shelves, it dawned on me that I haven't purchased a quilting a very long time. What happened? Blogging! Bogging feels (and is!) so immediate, I don't feel the need to buy magazines anymore. And when I do, I like them in digital format. I never thought I'd say that, but I actually prefer the digital version of the magazines I do still buy, as it's so much easier than clearing more shelf space.

I'd really love to know what you think,
 Do you still buy magazines? Or have blogs filled that space?

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