Saturday 24 September 2011

My Challenge Entry: Light and Shade

This post relates to my membership of the International Quilt Challenge. We have our own blog, why not take a look?

My Challenge Piece: 'Shadow and Sunshine'

The first challenge was set by Annabel: she chose Light and Shade. I already have a quilt called sunshine and shadow so I started calling my challenge that out of habit. It’s so connected in my mind, that I really have no option but to call my challenge piece Shadow and Sunshine.

It’s A3 size for those of you who are interested. We have no size restriction, but I feel that I do need a limit and I also like the idea of having like sized pieces at the end of the challenge cycle. That said, I might change my mind at any moment.

I was inspired by the idea that shadows are a degree of absence, not an absence.
I was in several minds regarding the quilting, I thought about detailed quilting for each section, but felt drawn back to the original idea I had had - quilting by straight lines, the direction light travels in. I quilted in tones of grey and yellow to create the light and shadow.
I quilted and basted this piece the day before my trip, after my DD and I had packed and unpacked my suitcase 5 times!! I was already a bit tired, but there was no way I was going to miss the challenge deadline!

I went for charcoal and gold for my binding

And breathed a big sigh of contentment when it was complete. I was really lucky because I had exactly 10 minutes worth of daylight left outside to take a picture in.
I do invite you to see our other member's interpretations of this theme, over at our blog:

Thursday 22 September 2011

Light and Shade: finishing my challenge

This is a post related to my entry in the International Quilt Challenge, of which I am a member.

I am very relieved top say that I managed to finish my first challenge on time. The day before leaving on my trip actually. Here are some pics of my progress. I did have a hard time selecting the thread, especially for the yellow shade. I felt that the yellow was too bright, but didn’t want it too subtle. Happily, I chose the right shade and it turned out the way I wanted.

I am really looking forward to seeing everyone else’s interpretation of this theme shortly!
The first challenge is Light and Shadow and the challenge deadline is the 23rd Sept. I am really looking forward to seeing what the other International Quilt Members have been up to this last month….you can take a look too...

Wednesday 21 September 2011

WOW: Fabric Arrival

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays

As I was heading out the door to go to the airport, a package arrived for me. Not just any old package, but the fabric range I have ordered for my next project! I quickly checked them over to make sure they were all there, they look wonderful in real life, and then had to leave them behind.

They have been ordered so that I can start my next BOM: it will be a 13 month mystery based on flowers, and it's an all round exciting project. I'm really looking forward to making it. New fabric does have that effect on me!

Sunday 18 September 2011

Wish Me Bon Voyage!!

By the time you read this, I will be in the air, flying with my DH, just the two of us. Yes, we are up and away!!
This trip is a special one because it has a story behind it. When I opened my online shop, I boasted to my husband that I would fly the both of us to Paris on the proceeds. Well…of course I was joking. I don’t actually earn enough to cover expenses, let alone take holidays, I do what I do only because I love it. So I was very happy when my DH surprised me last week by telling me we were going to Europe. Yes, can you believe I only had 1 week to pack??? And organize things???

My DD took a snap of us packing the car….(is she eager to see us go?) We think so. 
Both my DDs think the house could be a little less…..well, creative….so I have left strict instructions that none of my things or my studio is allowed to be 'tidied up'. I’m not too concerned (at the moment) because I don’t think 5 weeks is enough time for them to actually attempt tackling my studio. I should know, I’ve tried! I'll keep reminding them just to make sure I think... 
I will post whenever I find Wi-Fi, just as I am now.
Those of you following my BOM, Peaceful Pathways – the next block will of course, still be posted as usual on the 15th of October, I will make sure it is, wherever I am on my travels.
I also managed to finish a few little WIPs in the whirlwind that was last week…and I will be announcing an exciting competition as soon as I find time to type it up!
I will be checking in with my Yahoo Group and emails…but from more exotic locations than usual.

Friday 16 September 2011

How To Print My Patterns

This is a question I am asked over and over. So I thought I would clarify some easy steps you can take to make sure that the pattern you print at home is as accurate as possible.

All of my patterns have an inch line or box. When you print out your pattern, check against this box for accuracy. Use a ruler or a professional standard tape measure. Both patterns in these images are accurate.
But what if your inch line or box isn't accurate? Please do remember that all printers / copiers have different options and menus. It's likely that your own printer wont look exactly like mine does here. These images are to guide you and give you a general idea of what to look out for:

This is my print option screen. Where it lists "Page Scaling" the option selected is NONE. This is correct and this is what we want. It means that the document will print as is without any automatic (and usually helpful) re-sizing.

In the snap below, the printer has automatically selected "Shrink to Printable Area". Again, this is usually helpful, but is not wanted when printing patterns. In this instance, you would select "none" as the option (just like the snap above).

In the snap below, the printer has selected "Fit to Printable Area". Again, this is usually helpful, but is not wanted when printing patterns. In this instance, you would select "none" as the option (just like the snap above).

It's quite common for printers to automatically re-size PDF documents. You may not have even noticed this feature. With my patterns, the work is always within the margins of A4 paper, so you don't need to think about whether the pattern will fit the page. It always will.

Make sure your printer is not adjusting your print out and also take a moment to look at the margins of the printable area, as in the snap below. Sometimes they can set themselves to half a page or 80% for no apparent reason. In this snap below, everything is fine and the pattern printed perfectly.

So, to sum up: 

All patterns are set to print to A4 for easy home printing

Make sure that your printer is set to print to 100%

If your print preview shows that you are set to print at 95%, make sure the default "shrink to printable area" box is not checked. If it is, uncheck it.

Make sure your printer does not ‘re-scale– PDF documents prior to printing.

For all ‘re-scaling’ options, select none 

For all ‘shrink to printable area’ options, ensure this is not set

Check that the "Inch Square" I add to each pattern actually measures an inch when you print it out. This ensures that you are printing the pattern at the correct size. If you do not print accurately, measure the difference and adjust your pattern accordingly.

I hope this clarifies any printing issues, now let's get back to doing what we do best....creating!

Thursday 15 September 2011

Peaceful Pathways: Part 2 is launched

Peaceful Pathways: Roads and valleys that run up, down and over, wind and turn. Of course, there are endings, sharp corners and crossroads.

How is everyone faring with Peaceful Pathways so far? I’ve seen many beautifully embroidered text blocks by machine and hand and I'm looking forward to seeing what you all get up to this month.
With the 4 centre square blocks completed, I’m already thinking about the kind of quilting that would work on the pathways. I’m considering white quilted feathers at this stage.
If you are making Peaceful Pathways, do consider joining my Yahoo BOM Group. Membership is and always will be free. It’s a great place to discuss the pattern, share ideas and post photos of your progress.
Esther’s Yahoo Group

My patterns are only available via my website or yahoo group only

Wednesday 14 September 2011

WOW: GoBaby Brights Quilt

WOW = WIPs On Wednesday

Yes, I've been working on my GOBaby Quilt again

I’m thinking about a border of half square triangles – done the fast and easy way of course.

I love it. I’ve already got plans for the next top and a few projects too. I didn’t think I’d be this excited about a cutting tool, but I have been pleasantly surprised.

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