Wednesday 10 August 2011

Enjoying Winter Daphne

 Has a week gone by already?

In July I was amazed that it was half way through 2011 - because it didn't feel like half way through the year, half way through my To Do List, half way through my plans...oh well I thought, time always makes its own room when it has too. Doesn't it?

Well, what July passed over, August has made up for. I am beside myself with never ending tasks. It is crazily busy in my house. The pace is getting me up early in the mornings and late to bed. The fact is,  it's already the10th and I haven't even registered that it is properly August!

Sometimes, you just need to make time to go into your garden, pick some blossoms and appreciate the winter daphne. Because it really is quite spectacular in an understated sort of way.

The house smells wonderful. I carry on, hopefully things will even their pace soon.

Wednesday 3 August 2011

WOW: Crochet Hex Scarf

I’ve been taking it easy this week…. Domestic Machine Quilting can really take it out of you!
I was really encouraged to read so many positive comments and emails about Hearts Desire: thank you to each of you who stopped to leave a comment. It's so nice to know that someone is watching / listening to my little blog. I was going to post more pictures from the show, but when I was there on Saturday I spent all my time just enjoying the show and all the quilts....and it completely slipped my mind. Apologies!

So, wednesday rolls around again...and I have been working on a relaxing wind down WIP: this is a Crochet Hex Scarf I am making up. I think it will be ready after a few more evening stitch sessions, so I will share it when finished along with the crochet pattern. It’s a lot of fun to make and really easy too. It’s a pattern that is appearing in a lot of my crochet work lately…it’s addictive.

What have you been up to?

Friday 29 July 2011

Vic Quilters Showcase 2011

For the last 2 days I have been at  theVic Quilter's Showcase, enjoying the show. I am in a bit of a post production slump...quilting non stop for a week has left me feeling exhausted! Luckily there were so many great quilts to see at the show that I soon felt revived.

Hearts Desire is hanging in a dark spot (this is almost unavoidable at quilt shows) due to the building and lighting set up. So photo's arent really working. I will try again tomorrow.

I might be a bit biased, but Hearts Desire is sitting very nicely and is flat. And of course, I think it's beautiful.

Thank you to everyone for all your warm and kind comments on my last quilting post - it's so nice to get feedback. Sometimes in blogland it can feel like you are talking to yourself!

Thank you also to all the ladies who have approached me at the show, its always so nice to meet new faces and catch up with old friends too.

I quilt for the love of it. But there's no denying that an award every now and then is very nice too.

Hearts Desire
Mainly Applique - Professional
Runner Up

And of course I must mention Desley, who also reads this blog - as her quilt won Best of Show. Congratulations Desley! You got a Bernina (speaking of my Hearts Desire...who wouldnt love to win a new Bernina???!) Visit her blog to see it yourself. I do have a photo, but I took it sideways and blogger wont allow me to post it the right way up and ...urgh computers.... I refuse to post a picure of a Best of Show Quilt sideways!!

I will post some pictures from the show as soon as I get permission from the quilt owners

Wednesday 27 July 2011

WOW: Chain Yarn Scarf

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays

This is chain yarn. A friend of mine kindly thought of me when trying some out herself. This is the first time I have come across it and I have to say – I am hooked! You chain on 6 rows and simply knit into every chain every inch. When it is wound it looks like thick yarn and when you start knitting you pull the yarn out and knit into the chain. It’s intriguing and I love the cascading (and effortless effect).

The yarn is from, (manufacturer’s site) and I haven’t found an online store which stocks it yet. I would love to buy this yarn online, so if anyone knows where I can find it, please let me know as I would love to get it in a cotton or wool blend.

Yes, I know….I’ve started another WIP!

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