Sunday 7 March 2010


Sunshine and Shadow has been accepted for Paducah this year
Congratulations to everyone
(and especially Lisa Walton- another from Australia who made it in)
UPDATE: Wow! what a great response, thank you for your well wishes. I've never won anything in Paducah, however I enter because I feel that more important than winning - is being present. Especially with stenciling which is not a well known quilting technique. For me, just hanging amongst the big names I so admire is exciting!
Of course, I'm always trying to better my work, but making my own original designs and showing them is reward enough.

Thursday 4 March 2010

The end is in sight!

Finally the end is in sight!

Whenever I 'plan' something, I can be sure that my idea will be diverted into something else. I had some pretty strong ideas for the next BOM...and no matter what I do...or how I work it, the same design elements continue appearing, demanding to be the centre focus. What is this insisting design? Where is the BOM?? All will be revealed soon.

At the moment I'm finishing up and playing around with details to make sure everything is just where it's supposed to be.

I've been somewhat preoccupied in finishing this stash busting bed BOM quilt these last few weeks. I've gone through my fabric piles, I've been designing and re-designing and pinning blocks on any available wall.

My DD's (who are both all grown up and perfectly capable of moving out and running their own homes) left me this nice postcard on the fridge earlier this week. I thought I'd share it with you as I'm sure many quilters can relate.

More soon....

Sunday 28 February 2010

Totally Delighted!

The Quilt Show: is running a Table Runner Contest!
I have entered my own Tulip Delight and have been really delighted with the positive feedback.
There are some great table runners there, so if you'd like a look, stop by The Quilt Show site and check it out by double clicking on this post title or via my side bar. Log in and look under the"contests" tab at the top of the screen.
In other news, I'm working busily, very busily to get the next BOM launched (it has a mind and a will of its own) - I'm always struck by how determined a stash of fabrics can become - design wise.
More on that soon....

Monday 22 February 2010

Mess means progress

Guess which end of the table is mine?? It's been a hot weekend - exactly the kind of weather which deflates all my good ideas....but I toiled on regardless, sketching designs in front of the air con. Yes, I'm finally getting there.

Having a whole sewing room to myself isn’t enough, I branch out into the kitchen too. Well, I want to be where the action is.
I begged my DH for a bigger dining table. Both my DD’s vehemently protested – they knew it would turn into a work space. And it has. This means I’m busy. The messy half is mine. The clean half is where my family has to squeeze in to eat meals.

When my DD’s are really annoyed with my creativity nests, they swoop the whole lot into empty washing baskets and put them back into my studio. But these creative spaces are necessary; you never know when certainty will strike!

Meanwhile, my cat cooled off in a box beneath the air con. It's a bit cooler today which is good luck because we are cake baking my DH's birthday cake - which is tomorrow. My DD's now have a tradition of baking a Meringue / Pavlova for my DH's birthday every year, and every year its a different recipe. Hopefully this year's will end up being the best.
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