They're done! All hand stitched and looking lovely. I'm really pleased with how they turned out and I even like the fabric more now then when I first chose it! It fits in beautifully with my other fabrics. The berry shapes are lovely and round. It feels so good to be ready to begin the flowers.
I have to say that I am loving my Hungarian Stitch more and more as time goes on too
the yellow dots in the fabric make a tiny, but lively difference

It feels so good to be here and have all this work behind me. I've been thinking about how long each stage is taking me: the berries alone took over 16 hours of dedicated attention. I don't know if it's a good idea to quantify the quilt in time allocation because personally, I think its a bit daunting!
At over 16 hours, that's about 10 minutes each on average for every single berry. This includes the tracing, cutting out, circle shape pulling, application and hand sewing x 100 odd berries (actually I made 104, but you know, roughly). There are probably faster ways...and possibly slower ways too.

How did you make your berries?
Your berry;s turn out beautiful!
ReplyDeleteI make mine with the rings of my hubbies toolbox then I take needle and thread make stitches and pull them together. Then I fixed them with starch pull together. ring out and then set again with a hot iron. With a tiny bit fabric glue I sat them on their place and yes then applique. Still a lot of work but so nice round and no pins.... and I love the crafting bit with starch and iron....
groetjes van Marijke
Looks so wonderful.
ReplyDeleteI too used the washers after spray starching and ironing I slipstitched them into place. I still have lots to make for the first lot of borders which I am about half way through. I am enjoying seeing your ideas Esther
ReplyDeleteOh dear, I haven't been here for a while, I am missing so much :-) I love this, will have to go back to see it all.
Every part of LE, in my opinion, is time consuming. Part 9 is nearly finished, and I look forward to Part 10. For berries: Cut fabric circle twice the size of finished berry. Run basting thread around top of fabric circle and pull snugly against Mylar template, leaving a generous thread tail. Soak berry in starch. Lay out to damp dry on towel, then dry-iron completely dry. Loosen basting stitch and remove template, pulling circle back into shape using the thread tail. Glue baste into position and stitch. The generous circle size provides extra dimension to the berry and maintains roundness.
ReplyDeleteThe Hungarian stitch is lovely and I’m inspired to use it in conjunction with skinny stems. Because of LE photos posted on Yahoo, my work is more dynamic and interesting. Thanks to everyone for generously sharing applique ideas and embellishments tips.
ReplyDeleteSo far my berries are broderie perse and I am raw edge appliqueing them. Yours are beautiful!