Friday 21 March 2014

Le: Red Compass

I love these fabrics, there's always something so special about reds...
and I especially love that these are mostly stash reds, I didn't have to buy any extra

With a red and white LE now in creation, I have doubled my work. But the work itself is still so enjoyable and now that the colour question is settled, I can just get on with making it. My red compass came out perfect the first time, unlike my first two patchwork style ones!

I love this compass, it feels so right to be making a two colour version. 

Because I am making two LE’s and because I started late on LE, I am not making it in the same monthly installment progression as many of you are. I am working on some areas and then leaving them behind to work on something else. 

Right now I have 36 points to applique on this compass but I can't face sewing them so soon after sewing down the first set, my hands ache! So I will set this compass aside and return to the points later.

As you can see, I really enjoy my little sewing nook and sewing time! I usually watch The Quilt Show whilst I work and I can spend hours just like this, getting bits done, one stitch at a time.


  1. the red and white looks terrific! I too have the computer on in front of me a lot of times although sometimes I am barely watching it but I like to have something on -

  2. Wow that is fabulous!! I bet a lot of people will wish they were making a two color one. Love the embroidered circle around the center.

  3. The red and white is so enchanting. It will make a mesmerizing LE project. I also wanted to let you know that I love your new photo on your header. It is just beautiful!

  4. Your red and white LE is going to be beautiful!! This quilt will be an heirloom for sure!

  5. Lovely compass in red. I love this verion too!

  6. Red is my favorite color, so I'm really happy that you decided to make a red version. This quilt is so amazing - I'm following along (taking in all the beauty, not participating!) and am just amazed at the talent out there!

  7. I love the red & white compass! Red is my favorite color too. I'm participating & working on Part 4 now. Thank you for sharing your beautiful work.

  8. Oh Esther I love the Red and White Love Entwine so glad you had to give in to making one. LOL. I also really like the yellow tone compass in the back ground. I'm starting to think about my LE again so mud be getting better. By the way is that water or bubbly in the wine glass????? LOL. So glad you have finally found your LE mojo it is such a beautiful quilt to dream over when taking those stitches one at a time. Cheers Glenda


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