Wednesday 8 January 2014

WOW: Summer Shirts

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays

I've started the year in a productive mood, so today I'm finishing those shirts I started last August to have them ready to wear this summer. When I unpacked my Bernina, I went and purchased lots of feet but somehow overlooked a #18. Yesterday I noticed that I didn't have the right foot for my Bernina to do buttonholes, so I had to send my DH out to pick one up. Luckily they had one in stock and today I'm determined to get these shirts finished and ready to wear. But first I'll have to work at my Bernina tension issues some more.

As you can see, it hasn't been successful so far. I thought that with the right foot I wouldn't be facing issues like this below, but it's just another Bernina problem I'll have to work through. I'll admit that I have been tempted to pull out my old sewing machine which sews beautiful buttonholes - but I'll keep trying and see how I fare today. I'll admit that I am tired of always having to troubleshoot my Bernina, it's a hassle and I seem to spend hours trying to negotiate with it whenever I try to get some sewing done.

What's Your WOW ?


  1. I don't know why I like to make quilts but hate to make clothing - neat that you do both.

  2. I feel for you with all those Bernina problems. Is there a store nearby that gives lessons on the machine? Love the fabric I see for that shirt.

  3. Esther I have been so sorry to hear about your troubles with this Bernina. How incredibly frustrating that it continues to cause headaches. I too have tension issues with my Bernina, and thought it was just my incompetence, but maybe not. I know the store I bought mine in had some kind of trade in deal where you could trade in recently purchased machines towards a better model. I think it is worth checking with local stores to see if you can get good trade-in value anywhere and buy a machine that will truly make you happy. Life is too short!

  4. Esther I feel for you it must be very frustrating. I have always wanted a BERNINA but after hearing all the issue I don't know if I want one anymore. It's true what Heather said LIFE IS TO SHORT.:-)

  5. Wow! You also do clothing!
    I didn't even sew period for most of my life except easy things by hand like curtains (and do you know how fast those would have gone on a machine instead of by hand??)
    I doubt I ever get to clothing :)
    I love the print on your shirts.

  6. Your post makes me smile. My dress form has a blouse on it from November that is waiting for me to add BUTTONHOLES! It's been so long since I sewed garments and I'm such a chicken.

  7. I so wish you hadn't bought that machine. I am very pleased with my 700 one and hardly hear of anyone totally happy with the 800 series.


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