Friday 6 July 2012

Excess Luggage

 I'm thinking about the trip back...enjoying the room service and looking at my luggage.
I started out so well: with my travel backpack and a small case and my strict
'no more than I can personally carry' rule

And did this happen???

It's multiplied

Wednesday 4 July 2012

WOW: Travel WIP 5

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays

If I was at home I'd be working on my new quilt design and actually I do miss my sewing afternoons.
It would be nice to pop into my studio and do some creating inbetween all the travel and eating, but I can't complain as I've spent invaluable time with family....and I haven't seen a spot of housework in weeks

and of course I do love a good country drive with my DH
just taking in the view

and is this the cutest bus stop you've ever seen??
I definitely thought it was blog worthy!

How's your wednesday?

Sunday 1 July 2012

a Quick Hello

Thought I'd just post a quick hello...

We've been driving through the Croatian countryside

it's been very hot 36C!!

but so nice to drive along and admire the lush summer fields
These fields are in Lipik

not forgetting the storks nesting on powerlines!

Friday 29 June 2012

Greetings From Budapest!

These costume dolls made me pull out my camera.

I always say, experience is more important than photographs...
and then something charming like this catches my eye!

I don't even need to explain what I'm doing here!
Beautiful embroidered linens and laces...

a tour bus completely to ourselves!!

I really enjoyed exploring the city and taking it in, all at a relaxed pace

so many beautiful bulidings, so much grand architecture
so many details that caught my eye

I soaked it all in...but there were still some buildings that had to be snapped.
I want to look them over again and again, later at home.

And for dinner? Gulash of course!

Wednesday 27 June 2012

WOW: Travel WIP 4

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays

Cherry Picking 
Already the 4th travel WOW! Where does time fly?? There have been times when hours have felt like days (airports) and entire days (with family) that have passed in what feels like hours.

I guess that's just what travel is. But the nicest thing for me is time with my family.
Of course its summer in Europe and I'm really feeling it!

Here are some home grown cherries...which I've been loving

 this looks like it belongs in a Red Delicious block

Here's my DH doing all the hard work and picking those cherries
(the higher the cherry the sweeter the taste :)

Here are some more garden berries.

And a sumptuous cake make from all these beautiful garden fruits
for my younger Sister's birthday.

and a naughty doggy.
Don't worry, the cake was never in any danger. 

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Yes, but what did you eat there?

The problem with traveling is that it has to come to an end.
I don't know how I'm going to return to cooking, washing and grocery shopping after this!
I've really been living it up.

Here I am in Budapest perusing a menu, seeing what tickles my fancy

Lovely relaxing ambience, interesting table flora

and this is how I'd like my goat's cheese served from now on
(DD's I'm talking to you)

Jó étvágyat!
(that's Bon Appetit to you and me)

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