Saturday 15 May 2010

In The Pink Part 2 is launched

Does stash busting get any better than tulips and reminiscences of
spring fields and billowy tulips?
Part 2 is now launched!

Friday 14 May 2010

It's nearly Festival Time again

Thank you Amy- Park City Girl....

I'd nearly forgotten that it's that time of year again. The annual Bloggers Quilt Festival... is everyone ready? Amy has some great instructions to help you join in:
Spread the word, the more the merrier

Wednesday 12 May 2010

Blogger Header

ear steaming annoyances!

Calling all blogger savvy ladies (or gentlemen) out there:
Try as I might, my blogger header/banner has continually defeated me. I need some guidance and can't seem to find any anywhere. My images are too big for the banner....then they are too small. Then I size them exactly to the banner specs and they only take up half the header 'frame'.

I'm sure I must be doing something wrong. I'm sure it's pretty basic and has passed me by. If anyone knows how to do this, please let me know. I would appreciate any guidance: it does need to be blogger specific though. I have uploaded banners to other formats without difficulty, its just something here that is frustrating me!

I have found blogger to be pretty good on the whole, but some simple things like this do frustrate me. I was thinking about moving house to (easy peasy headers, neat frames, very stylish) but have been scared off by the amount of people I hear from who are still ARGH-ING in angst after making the move themselves.
Surely it's not supposed to be this hard.
Please help!
UPDATE: 15 May 2010:
Thank you so much to everyone for your kind offers and helpful info...I have just discovered Blogger in Draft (where have I been?? I don't know) and have neatened up my blog as best as I know how at this stage of my technical skills.

First Blocks

Raewyn Barge has made my afternoon by sending in a pic of her first block. It's so nice to know that someone somewhere is selecting and cutting away. Nice colours Raewyn!

There are going to be plenty of beautiful 'spring' themed beds in 6 months time...
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