Monday 5 October 2009

Where do the years go?

I'm always saying on this blog that the months seem to flit by...and before you know it, another year has passed. Well it happened again - this past weekend was my DD's birthday.

Still, as everything seems to be moving so fast, it's nice to stop and admire a cake, almost too beautiful to eat...almost... and think about how quickly the rest of the year is going to pass. In my family, we have now entered the birthday 'season' where it's going to be very busy until the end of Feb 2010.

This means I am going to have to really keep to my schedule.

Wish me luck

Friday 2 October 2009

My Quilt Midnight Garden

See, sometimes I do finish quilts!

Like this quilt? Why not make it? The project is in No. 39 (Vol. 8.5) of Quilters Companion - now available.

Thursday 1 October 2009

Knitting UFO

Uh oh, the UFO's in my house are not limited to my quilting... we also have a knitting UFO stash.

About 2 weeks ago, I came acros some beautiful yarn and enlisted my DD to knit me a scarf. 'Sure' she said 'no problem'. The only problem it turns out, is that the yarn cannot be worked in crochet and she doesnt like knitting. I knit and crochet so I really couldn't see an issue, but she assured me, you're one or the other. She persisted on needles for 2 rows before giving up. Going through the wool box, I found the yarn I had selected for last year's scarf and predictably... two rows knitted and abandoned. But that's not all. There is plenty of abandoned crochet work in there too. Half spirals, assorted flowers or as she likes to refer to it all : 'samples'.

Yes, I have passed on my bad habits.

Wednesday 30 September 2009

Lone Star

This is my Lone Star. It's been in the wings for a few years. Now I've found it, I'm set on finishing it. It was a 'nice suprise' finding it cut out and bundled.

I was going for an autumnal color feel and I still like the tones I chose, it will all come together when it's finished. I will definitely be posting that proud moment as soon as I get to it.

Monday 28 September 2009

Another week, another quilt (hopefully)

I'm hopeful. I have the Quilts That Must Be Finished draped over the ledge awaiting action. There's 4 there on the ready right now - so I have no excuses.

Those shirts you see on the side - they are what I should be doing with my time ( some ironing!). Unfortunately, I am not a shining example of applied house husbandry!

Although I have plenty to do, I have to admit that I am feeling totally uninspired today! So far I have been meandering and doing everything and anything except what I planned on am going to just sit down and do it. Get through the boring bits so I can move on. Soonish. Probably.

Sunday 27 September 2009

Getting it together for the week ahead

As a rule, I don't usually sew on the weekends. But sometimes, if it's just that kind of day, I potter around and line things up for the week ahead.

That's what I am doing today. I have fiddly things to do...and outstanding bits that I am stitching together so that during the week I can zip through my projects in chunks, rather than having to stop and work over those important but time consuming details. I can't believe it, I sound almost organised!
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