Friday 25 December 2015

Merry Christmas 2015

Merry Christmas everyone. Today it's hot down my way, it's going to be 35c which means my usual ideas for Christmas day lunch have gone out the window and I'm just going to enjoy the day without the usual baking cycles.

If you're here, I'd like to thank you for reading my blog throughout the year. I feel so much encouragement and support from each of you and your comments mean so much to me too. When I'm working away in my studio, it feels really special to bring my work online and share what I do with you. It's a special connection and I've found some really wonderful people quilting online and for that, I'm grateful.

My personal motto has always been 'givers are receivers' and this blog has proven that to me over and over. I've been so blessed to have so many of you here encouraging me on. Over in my Yahoo BOM Group, I've been blessed with Moderators who volunteer their time to keeping all our members in a spam free zone where they can share their experiences as they make my patterns. 

This beautiful little film is a Russian production and it's one I share each Christmas on this blog on Christmas day because I think it's so charming in getting to the heart of the matter. It is such a nice change from the usual commercialism we are all bombarded with at this time of year. The detail is simply lovely, it's a pleasure to watch and a reminder to us all that Jesus is the reason for the season.


  1. Merry Christmas from the Netherlands. Tiny

  2. Hi, Esther. It's always a pleasure to see the beautiful projects you're working on. The Love Entwined quilts are knockouts, and I particularly liked your December red quilt and tablecloth. Wishing you a happy Holiday Season.

    Best, nadia

  3. Such a beautiful video. Thank you for sharing it with us.
    Merry Christmas, Esther! You are a gift.

  4. Merry Christmas Esther, thank you for your beautiful blog.

  5. Merry Christmas from Omaha, Nebraska US the Midwest.

  6. Merry Christmas from SoCal. I got lucky the day I found your blog. Thanks for all your kindnesses.

  7. Merry Christmas and Thank You from Saskatchewan, Canada.

    From a passionate appliquer.

  8. Thank you so much Esther. You have a very generous, sharing nature and it is greatly appreciated. Merry Christmas from Ontario, Canada.

  9. Merry Christmas, and thank you for an inspiring blog!

  10. Merry Christmas to you Esther and a very healthy happy creative new year!!!
    Thank you so mucht for all you did to inspire us en the wonderfull film you send us.
    Maud Halma - van Wees

  11. Esther, Thank you! May the riches in Christ Jesus dwell in you and your family now and forever. Blessings, Dena

  12. Dear Esther thanks for putting this one up again, I love it and will share it with DGS 6 tomorrow morning. We have been having torrential rain but they are saying it will be just showers tomorrow for Christmas. SO hope you have a cooler Christmas too. Glenda

  13. To Esther, your family and readers...
    Many Blessings to you as we remember and rejoice in Our Saviour's Birth.
    - Wendy (Melb. AU)

  14. Hi Esther I got your yahoomail, I got my reply unable to deliver so here I try again...
    It’s now 4.14 in The Hague in The Netherlands in the morning I can not sleep anymore … so I make my first cup of tea my hubbie snorrs away lol…
    Also here we have a very mild weather here we have in autumn the spring flowers… and here the temperature is above the usual… they say it’s Al Nino that comes every 5 years… We hope we can use this season the sled for our grandchild she’s becoming 3 in january…
    First Christmas day we stay together and I going to make for my hubby his favourite meal with a lot of meat… i’m almost vegetarian… so… I make for me a lot what I like lol…
    The second Christmas day my mother both of my childern with their partners and my grandchild come to our outside fireplace where we serve tea and warm gluhwein inside we eat gourmet so every one can eat and drink what they like… Son ow you know what we are going to do this Christmas

    I wish every one have a wonderfull Christmas and best wisher for 2016
    Greeting from Marijke

  15. Merry Christmas Esther, You are such a pleasure to follow here on your blog. Sharing your wonderful gift of talent and word. I hope you have a wonderful day in spite of the hot temperature. Looking forward to another year of lovely quilts and delicious recipes now and then too. Hope the Bernina is good to you this year.

  16. Merry Christmas Esther (and all). My husband and I loved the little Russion film. Makes me smile just to remember it. I think I'll watch it again right now!

    From Sherry in Florida for the winter but from Ontario Canada

  17. Merry CHristmas Esther, I love your blog and find everything you make so inspiring. Thank you and here's to lots more wonderful stitching in 2016!

  18. LOve the Russian film. Hope you had a good Christmas

  19. oh Esther. The film was beautiful. Just beautiful. It was gloriously primitive in graphics kind of like I draw, so as a side light it made me feel better about what I make. The way they totally captured the essence of each movement was inspiring in many ways. I will send out a link to my group to come see.

  20. Thnks for the link. Beautiful!!
    Happy 2016!


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